Vice the name of woman?

The term vice or subordinate is often attached with the women, seeing her frailty and sometimes weakness. But, Is it really a frailty or quality?

There is a group of people who emphatically describe women as Vice and frail and Ignores this fair sex to provide them their rights. Women are not considered equal to men because of their frailty. When a women stands for her rights and on her own feet, it is taken as inconstancy by many men. There was an old custom of Sattee, in which a women has to be burned with her dead husband as a sign of loyalty. Was it constancy?

When frail and fragile term is associated with a women, a henpecked man often describe her as a stout and readier tongue women who is always on her toes for building a barrage of invective before him and he sighs with saying that she is no more vice. If a conservative politician relates this term with a women he thinks of a suffragettes who is always bold and valiantly faces jails and never give up until she gets her rights and the Male politician has to work much harder to get votes of women and through them of their husbands and he also disagrees this term of Women as Vice. The beauty and soft body and desire for glittering gold and diamonds is quality of women not a weakness. This quality is often a livelihood for many bold men in the shape of cosmetic selling business and advertisements.
She faces an unbearable pain at the time of pregnancy. Not a single second of that pain can be suffered by a strongest man on earth too. She single handed maintains the house and brings up the children which is in no where an easy task. Unlike past women is no more Vice in this world now. She is an independent and is working in every field with distinction and glory. She is a head of State in some country. So, it can rightly be said that
"Women is no more Vice but a Voice".

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