Arabic Quotes and Proverbs. Some of my favorite.

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During my studies I picked up on some Arabic quotes that either captured my heart or made me stop and think, and collected them in a notebook (see picture) solely for the Arabic language. It made me realize that the Arabic language is very profound in ways I still do not completely understand. Here are some of my favorite quotes I want to share with you.

لن تكون قادراً على قطع المحيط إذا لم يكن لديك الشجاعة أن تخسر مرآى الشاطئ
‘’You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.’’ (proverb)

أشد الفاقة عدم العقل
“Lack of intelligence is the greatest poverty.” (proverb)

أملى أكبر من جهدى .. وجهدي أكبر من موهبتي .. وموهبتى سجينة طبعي .. ولكنى أقاوم
‘’My ambition is greater than my effort. My effort is greater than my talent. And my talent is a hostage of my temper. But I persist’’ (quote by Tawfīq al-Ḥakīm (1898-1987) - An Egyptian writer & playwright.)

الجمال الذي يرضيك هو الذي يشف عن صورة روحك بغير ما يخيّلها لك ماء الحياة العكر
‘’The beauty that fulfils you is beauty that reveals to you the image of your own soul without the distortions of the murky waters of life’’ (quote by Musṭafā Ṣadiq al-Rāfiʿī (1880-1837) - An Egyptian poet.)

كم من الناس صرفوا العمر في إتقان فن الكتابة، فقط ليذيعوا جهلهم!
‘’How many people wasted their lifetime mastering the art of writing only to lay bare their ignorance!’’ (quote by Mīkhāʿīl Nuʿayma (1889-1988) - A Christian Lebanese thinker and poet.)

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