The Stick That Gives Light

It was one blazing hot Friday in the UAE.

We just came from the beach and we decided to go to my Uncle In Law’s place. We were at the beach for 4 hours and it was terribly hot. As we plan to go to the mall after lunch, I just dropped everyone at Uncle’s place and I, hubby, cousin and brother in law went home to take a shower and to pick up things for the others.

Back To Uncle's Place

I went directly to their room for me to take a nap. My sister in law wanted to sleep as well so she asked me to turn off the light. So I stood up and searched for the switch but I couldn’t find it. So with the lights on, I was the only one who fell asleep.
I was awakened by Fatom when she asked her Omie (Mom) for the stick. When I opened my eyes, the light was turned off. The light from the Sala brighten the room a little bit and I saw the child put down the stick. As I’m dizzy, I went back to sleep and continue with the day at the mall.

The Next Day

It was a busy day yesterday and so it is today. Friday and Saturday are supposed to be my rest day but we have places to go to enjoy. We went to Hiltonia Resort and brought Fatom with us. Upon going home, I dropped my in-laws in our place and went to Uncle’s place to drop Fatom and her nanny. As it was very hot, I and hubby decided to take a rest first. Fatom entered first the room and when I followed, she was holding that magic Stick. I ignored the thought and went to bed to take a nap. Fatom woke me up for lunch. So I sat and stared at her.

“What’s with the stick?” I asked.

“It gives light Tita Apple.” She replied with a smile on her face. She’s so cute.

“How?” Feeling puzzled, I asked her. Yesterday I was not able to search the switches and I am starting to believe that the stick has a magic. 😬😬😬

“Because me, Abbie (Dad), Omie (Mom) and Tita cannot reached the switch so we used this stick so we’ll have light!” She innocently said while I burst into laughter. 😂😂😂

Hahahaha. I was not able to control myself from laughter. Kids are always amazing when it's about story telling. Their innocence is so pure and it gives me joy. And to that "Magic Stick", I will never look down on you form now on. And to those electrical engineers who planned the villa, I hope next time, you'll put the switches at a reachable place. hahahaha

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