A quick poem sort of thing. No title. Just a quick stream of thought.

Seems like the people in power have control over almost everything except our hearts.
Yet.. Most people don't seem to want to show their hearts to the degree that it could change the whole equation.
Isolated as lone parts.
They wanna protect their precious ego lives and live in a land of fantasy imagination.
In the temporary illusions of dualities pleasure and pain.
Like rats in a cage, heading for the food and trying to avoid the sparks of electrical shocks obtained.
Ahhh... Into the this big rat race they come and go, without barely ever stopping long enough to try to know.
Or to ask why.. Why are we doing this.. Why are we doing this?!
Are we just doing this because that's what everyone else is doing? Shit...
Is this literally a state of monkey see monkey do as an expression of virtually our entire culture?
Jesus Christ, what a zoo.. And I don't even believe in Jesus Christ.
However, it's clearly absurd.
God.. What the fuck.. And I don't even believe in God either.. But..
Almost every day I wake up and it feels like Groundhog's day..
That movie where every day the guy woke up and was back to the same day with nothing changed.
Except.. It's like Groundhog's day combined with Idiocracy.
A never ending Twilight Zone prophecy.
Almost the whole human race is practically lost out to sea.
Running on automatic, like robots programmed to act reactively.
There are some good ones, but not enough.. Such a small amount, it makes one feel a surge of doubt.
Many feel this surge of doubt and give up and sell out.
Yet.. If everyone did that then we'd be right back where we started.. With a heart that is hidden away, not showing itself to the light of day.
Occulted, no longer on display.
Not that it necessarily should be on display, to each their own depending on the case... Though hey.. I think it's beautiful when we can express the benevolence we contain.
And heck.. What's so appealing about being a jackass anyways..?
I don't understand why so many wanna be what they would never want done to them, hypocritical a bit eh?
Here in reality, among a horde of fakes.
The irony isn't absent, there's just only a small number who are brave enough to see.
Among the hordes of mindless masses which advance on us, who are all basically brainwashed on what to perceive.
"This is the way you do it! Just follow me!"
The pied piper continues to play the song..
As the hypnotized march forward towards more lunacy until we're all extinct and gone.

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