Meme wars [Brainstorming world lore]

By the mid 21st century, advertisers and politicians have learned to spread ideas more effectively using memetic theory.

Influencers are paid top crypto to scour message boards and social feeds for topkeks to incorporate their brand or candidate into.

Billboards flash erratically, beaming the latest re-imagined shitposts directly into their hosts minds.

Androids and robots on the streets are continually re-branded to keep up with latest memes, changing their appearance as well as the slogans and routines the perform.

Groups of elite hackers use these tools against their oppressors as well, exercising their free speech by overriding signals with their own memes and messages.

It's a constant struggle for memetic dominance. Fighting back against the corporations comes with a steep price. This type of vandalism is treated as a felony crime. Anyone caught tampering with meme feeds is sentenced to disconnection. Their presence is scrubbed from the net and they are no longer allowed to connect.

This is part 2 in this series. See part one here.

Follow me @anticleric to stay in the know about our dystopian future.

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