Reflection leads to resolution


Pluto gives off dark, mysterious vibes, and as it begins a five-month retrograde period in practical Capricorn, it sends you on a quest for answers. We all have manipulative tendencies and can go on power trips occasionally, and this reflective time helps us figure out our dark motivations for these and other negative behaviors.

The good news is that Pluto is a slow-moving outer planet, so this retrograde period isn’t exactly a top priority. It does affect you, though, and that little voice in the back of your head will linger until you pay attention to it. During this transit, explore anything that you feel is getting in the way of your personal or spiritual evolution. What destructive behavior do you most want to get rid of?


This personal quest can go on for the full five months, but when you need immediate answers, a Yes-No Tarot Reading does the trick. Ask a simple question, get a simple answer. A little uncomplicated input is welcome right now because Pluto retrograde isn’t going to let you off the hook that easily!


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Thought I forgot my account never will I do such just been busy this this do have a wonderful day happy yourself message from me to you I love you all.

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