The Lonely Wolf Chapter V

                                                                                    ICE COLD HEARTED


                  "Maybe I was a little harsh on him" Rachel told herself, "What do you think Sam?" The little puppy disproves, his face was asking her to slap him next time, him or any other  guy that even gets close to his beloved human. "I was yes?" Sam knocks his head in disapproval . "Sometimes I wish I could understand you Sam, your advice would be so precious to me.. You would never leave me correct?" Sam tilts his head, "oh you don't understand my words don't you? You hungry little boy? Come here and clean up your bowl". Sam happily agrees.

                    A loud ringing sound disturbs the silence. It's coming from the door. "Who is  it?" Rachel yells with hope.

                     -Hey Rachel, It's Chloe, can you open the door?

                    Rachel goes to the door and unlocks it, as Chloe steps inside holding her hands behind her back.

                     -Hi Chloe, what you got there? she asks curiously .

                     - Well, I wasn't gonna invite you because you stud us up last time, but me and Luke are going to see a movie on Sunday, and won 2 extra tickets .. You interested? she took her right hand and showed the tickets to Rachel looking very optimistic.

                     -That's very thoughtful of you Chloe but I don't think Sam can use that ticket, she replied starting to laugh.

                     -That's not funny Rachel, you need to start going out, meet new people, you're young , I'm sure you can find someone till Sunday.. you have enough time.. You decide, you find someone or we pick one of Luke colleagues, Chloe threatened ..

                     -Oh my god no!! Fine, I owe you one anyway, but just don't bring anyone else, you remember how that double dinner with what that guys name was.. What a disaster, she looked down with shame.

                      -Oh yes that was epic, Chloe started to laugh so loudly that Rachel had to cover her mouth.

                      -Fine, fine.. just don't try to help please.

                    "Knock knock" .. "You expecting anyone else Rachel?   .. That would be huge surprise"

       Sam began o be nervous again 

Check out my other posts for the entire story so far.. more on the way!!

Image credit stocksnap 

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