Social Judgment Theory

Speaking about something theory about assessment or involvement social in an era like this moment, maybe will give impact least a little confusing. This time I a little peeling about discussion theory consideration social that is results research from a psychologist Muzafer Sherif from Oklahoma University. Sherif use theory this for researching way individual in rate message (Barker, 1987). As for his judgment often through process 'consideration' message, with pegged on framework reference (reference points) owned the individual. Framework reference this is what is on turn be basic to determine how someone positions a message received (Aulia, 2013).

As for third framework reference are, among others:

  1. Latitude of Acceptance (Zone Reception). The receiving zone occurs, if individual still could receive message delivered communicator (Sherif & Hovland, 1961). In this zone, the individual make him own as benchmark (Mustafa, 2018).
  2. Latitude of Rejection (Zone Rejection). Rejection zone occurs, if individual reject message delivered communicator. It is happen because message delivered departed back with attitude and confidence individuals. If incompatibility message increasingly big with the values espoused individuals, then increasingly great possibility rejection would happens. In this zone, the individual make him own as benchmark (Mustafa, 2018).
  3. Latitude of Non-Commitment (Zone Impartiality). The zone of impartiality occurs, if individual no take attitude (accept/reject) over message delivered communicator. This zone like attitude neutral or golput (not choose) in election. This zone no including into the two zone previous (Mustafa, 2018).

Interaction between three framework reference this determine attitude individual to something the messages are up. If message corresponding with zone acceptance, then individual will agree with the message. Conversely, if message fall down on zone rejection, then individual no will receive the message. According to Sherif, communicator should understand third zone this with well, so could more easy in send something message to communicant. More continued, Sherif confirmed action filter message that do in natural under conscious individuals. Here we weigh every messages that arrive, pass compare it with corner view us. Sure, the viewing angle can not be separated from the Term of References (Knowledge), and the Term of Experiences (experience), (Sherif, Social Judgment/Involvement Theory).

Muzafer Sherif

Ego Involvement

Someone receive or reject message depends on involvement his ego himself (ego-involvement). Ego-involvement referring on level how important a message in life someone. Ego-involvement is key main appearance Latitude of Acceptance or Latitude of Rejection. Ego-involvement illustrates ability cognitive individual in filter something the incoming message. Ego Involvement at once could measure levels important at least something messages, as well to what extent someone could affected. This theory give rise two kind of effects, including:

  1. Effect Assimilation. Effect assimilation happen when someone put message in zone acceptance, because message that approaching framework reference individuals. Individuals who become target message will rate message that corresponding with reference. So , message that will considered similar with existing referral and accepted.
  2. Effect Contrast. Effect contrast happen when someone put message in zone rejection, because message that contradict with framework reference individual, so finally message that rejected.

Example Case

When we get bid credit 0% of a product card credit, of course in mind we will appear a number considerations, such as: "Is I need this ?", "Later if late payment interest will soaring, how can 0% interest? I suspicious with the bank", "I want!" and etc. Consideration this is what is called with Social Judgment Theory, which emerged from perspective we about credit 0% interest card credit the.

If we is users credit card will appear question, "How important flower 0% mortgage for us?" Sherif classify question this as ego-involvement. In case this ego-involvement referring on level how important an 'offer' inside life someone. Ego-involvement is key main appearance Latitude of Acceptance, Latitude of Rejection, or Latitude of Non-Commitment.

Conclusion Important

The moral messages that can taken that theory this explains, a message be accepted or rejected very depends on map cognitive we to the message. Someone can receive or reject something message too very depends on involvement his alone ego. When person receive message, they are will directly placing it on zone reception, zone rejection, or zone impartiality through the comparison is there. This theory very good learned by every communicator, so message delivered could more maximum.

See you in the next post and thank you :) Greet the day with your smile...!!! Best regards @alfarisi

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