What is the most bizarre evidence ever permitted in court?

A Man was imprisoned for 28 YEARS after a woman dreamed that he raped her.

This is Clarence Moses-EL.


One day in 1988, poor old Clarence was just enjoying his daily routine, when he was taken in by the police as a rape suspect.

A hospitalized woman claimed she had been brutally raped, by a black man.

More than a day after the assault, while in the hospital, the woman identified Clarence as her attacker, saying his face came to her in a dream.

Clarence Moses-EL was convicted in 1988 and sentenced to 48 years in prison for raping and assaulting a woman when she returned home from a night of drinking, despite NO FURTHER EVIDENCE other than her bruises and her dream.

Clarence had long claimed he was innocent.

But his efforts to appeal his conviction were unsuccessful, in part because Denver police threw away DNA evidence from the scene, according to reports.

Luckily, in December 2013, while serving his 48-year prison sentence, Clarence received a letter from another man, L.C Jackson.

In the letter Jackson said he couldn't believe Clarence had been accused of raping the same woman Jackson “ had sex” with the very same night.

"I really don't know what to say to you, but let's start by bringing what was done in the dark into the light,' Jackson wrote, according to court documents. 'I have a lot on my heart."

This confession letter led to a court hearing in July, where Jackson testified that he lost his temper during sex with the woman and hit her in the face. He admitted to it all. Although it wasn't necessarily a rape.

Clarence had already spent 28 years of his 48-year sentence in prison.

Imagine that…
An innocent man…
28 years he'll never get back…
Because of a DREAM… 😧

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