Welcome, welcome, welcome
Men of celebrated valour,
Finest specimen of African manhood,
Seasoned warriors and soldiers of time
You are welcome!

History holds you in the sublime.
Current exploits on your foes
Confirm you military prowess,
As you fed the vultures fat
With your foes flesh
You, I welcome.

Your hand won victory
Is praised by all.
Generations shall accord you same.
For annals shall beautifully
Spell your names in gold.
Welcome, welcome, great soldiers!

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The poem celebrates soldiers who went to war and conquered the enemies of their kingdom. Their successess are appreciated and are put in a praise song.

They are compared to African men of physical strength, "finest specimen of African manhood".
Before the invention of the gun, bombs and chemical war weapons, the African man was the strongest soldiers in physical combat.

The first and second stanza establish the fact that men who fight in fight in defence of their mother land, are always remembered in History and their names are written in (gold) minds of generations yet unborn.

Friday winding down is our means of involving our fans in the affairs of our blog. Hence, we welcome contents from fans evolving around "winding down." This could be light themed articles, Jokes, Comics, Entertaining short stories not more than 300 words. Your entries should be formatted and ready for publication with pictures and all. If interested, please contact DIANA ( @diana01 )

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