The Hard Times Series S1E6: Knock, knock

"No, you can't go out there!  It hasn't been long enough!"  Molly grabbed at her sister.

"Have you tracked the days?  It's been three years."  Gwen insisted.

"Momma, said that it would take at least 6 for the radiation to cut down."  Molly tried to pull her sister's hands off the door.

"Yeah, well, she ain't here no more is she.  We can't keep living like this and we don't know for sure if we ever got nuked.  The damn radio doesn't work."  She shot a glance at radio station with burnt out circuit breaker.  One happened to be on the desk, but they never tried to put it back into place.

"Gwen, we don't get but one shot at opening that door.  If you go out there and it still ain't right there ain't no going back.  We'll get sick, and the air in here will make us sicker every day.  We have food and water right here.  Enough for 4 more years.  We don't need to risk it!"  Molly pushed her sister away from the door.

"WE DO NEED TO RISK IT" she yelled "The damn purifier broke.   Backup isn't sure to last forever.  And get your damn hands off'a me."  Gwen poked her sister in the chest.  "You just don't want to do this cause you're afraid that the law still knows you stole that car for Jimmy."

Molly was shocked.  "Why you gotta bring that up?  You know I hate it when you bring that up!"  She grabbed her sister's hair and started pulling it.  They began shouting at one another and punching each other, but then everything stopped.  The world stopped.  Time froze and all that lingered was a loud knock on the door...

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