Wrong believe about sex that affects personality.

The word “sex” has been misunderstood by the ignorant and evil minded people.
Both men and women who are highly endowed with highly sexual natures, rather calling them blessed they are called bane.
A lot of people in this present age have inferiority complexes which they develop because of this wrong believe that a highly sex nature is living under curse. The emotion of sex is a virtue only when it is used intelligently, and with discrimination.


It seemed somehow significant to me when I discovered something about every great leaders in which I have the privilege of analyzing was a man whose achievements were largely inspired by a woman. Everybody intelligent human being knows that stimulation in excess through alcoholic drinks or any sedative form of drugs, is a destructive form of intemperance.

A sex crazy man is not different from a Mad man, meaning is that both have lost control over their faculties reason and will power. I want us to know that many cases of imaginary illness grow out of habits developed in ignorance of the true function of sex. So we can see that subject of sex transformation forces brings enormous penalties upon the ignorant on the other hand and withholds from them equally enormous benefits on the other.
The collation result has been increased curiosity and desire to acquire more knowledge on this Forbidden matter and to the shameful of all law makers by training some qualified to educate youth on that subject information has not been easy to provide.

So am imploring us that everything we do this life should be on a limitation so that we can control our self.

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