A Lost Friend - Dedicated To Everyone Who Lost Their Best Friend

He was like a flowing wind
He was like a flying kite
Where he had vanished, let's find him,

We used to walk on the paths
While he used to make a new path for himself
Sometimes he fells, sometimes he balanced himself
But he never stops, always went ahead cheerfully,

We used to be tensed for future
But he used to enjoy the present moment
He used to live every moment happily,
From where had he come? he touched our hearts
Where he had vanished, let's find him.

He was like a shade in the sun
He was like an oasis in a vast desert
He was like the ointment of the wound on the heart,
We used to remain calm in a well
While he used to dive against the current tide in rivers.

He was like a wandering cloud
He was our love
He used to live every moment happily,
He was like a flowing wind
He was like a flying kite
Where he had vanished, let's find him.

*** Life is incomplete without friends and its always better to walk in a dark with friends rather than walking alone in the light.

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