An Article Of Mine On HubPages Got Over 1,000 Views In One Day

Perhaps some of you may find this article here of mine to be laughable, because you are a writer on the HubPages writing platform and you have reached a much more substantial milestone than I have. However, it felt so good when I had discovered that one of my articles on my HubPages channel had gotten over 1,000 views in one day. Also, a spike in views on this same article occurred twice within close proximity of each other. It has been three months since I posted my last article here on my Hive-Blog channel. Therefore, I thought that I would share this one moment of triumph with all of you.

The article of mine that raked in the one-thousand-plus views was one I had written about Unidentified Flying Objects ("UFOs"). I make it no secret that I am a hard-nosed skeptic regarding aliens and extraterrestrials. I was concerned that I may have offended some of my more open-minded readers on the topic. However, somebody must have liked that article of mine, because it skyrocketed in views within a few short days.

I've had articles of mine on my HubPages channel that have pulled in over 200 views in one day. However, to get views in excess of a thousand in only one day for only one article was a major achievement for me, and it even bolstered the amount of money I earned in monetization for the month of June of 2022. In fact, this month of June of 2022 will be the one month wherein I have earned the most money at one time on the HubPages writing platform.

No, this brief moment of glory here in the digital world has not made me rich, but it has given me hope that I can eventually earn a monthly income from the HubPages writing platform in the four figures. A YouTuber named Gonzalo Lira ("Coach Red Pill") once said in one of his videos that if you make some kind of income no matter how small it is, you will be better off than if you are not making an income at all, so long as such an income keeps on growing. I believe in his school of thought. I don't remember the title of that same YouTube video; but if I come across it again, I will embed it in one of my upcoming articles here on my Hive-Blog channel.

Nevertheless, some of you may still be wondering whether it is worth it to join the HubPages writing platform. My response to your question is that it is well worth it. It may not be easy to build your base of followers in the beginning, and writing and posting articles requires a great amount of work; but if you can make a video on YouTube, you can write an excellent article and publish it on the HubPages writing platform. Once you do so, you are officially a full-fledged Hubber. I'm looking forward to any or all of you becoming fellow Hubbers of mine.

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