Lost In A Glimpse(Episode9)

Stephanie entered into Collins' office, walking slowly like an engine grinding to a halt. She sat on the chair just opposite Collins, burying her face in her palm as she tried to pull herself together. All this while Collins stared at her, slightly shocked. They had not met for the past 6years and though he was pleased to see her, a part of him was worried. He was worried because this was not the Stephanie he knew years back. Growing up in the same neighborhood, he knew a lot about her and despair was not on of them. He had always known her to be a cheerful and energetic person.
   "How are you doing today Steph?", his deep voice bellowed.
She look tired and stressed out as she raised her head reluctantly.
" l'll be fine. Not to worry".
Collins had so many questions in his head but decided not to bother her at the moment.
"Ah....Steph, about what we discussed over the phone. I think it's going to work out."
"Really?!", She said with a speck of vibrance in her tone. Although he could sense the joy in her voice, her face remained gloomy.
"So when can I see him?", she asked eagerly.
" I've discussed with the commissioner......I mean, my brother.... he said we can go as from tomorrow.
"Thanks a lot Collins", she beamed.
" at last, I'm going to see my dad for the first time "
Collins smiled as her gloomy look turned radiant.
"I'm happy for you Steph"
Stephanie hugged him as she thanked him once again.
"What could I have done without you Collins?"
"Oh don't mention. That's the benefit of having a commissioner's brother as a friend".
"Thanks again Collins"
"Don't mention"
"Ehm....send my greetings to the commissioner of police..... I mean, your brother"
They both laughed as he waved goodbye to her.   Meanwhile Shade had been in Ben's office for almost an hour. Their whispering alternated between argument and discussion.
"I don't understand you Ben, why didn't you tell me it tested positive?"
Ben was getting sick of the argument.
"I panicked okay....listen Shade what we did was illegal. Besides if the Clinic found out how will I explain Stephanie's blood sample? You know I stole it from the blood bank".
Shade pulled her hair in frustration.
" why are you such a chicken.... aren't you a man?"
Ben looked disappointed by her question.
"Am I supposed to walk right into fire all because I'm a man?....maybe you should steal my blood sample so some other doctor can confirm that too"
They both laughed, keeping their voices as low as possible.
"Shade...listen, Stephanie's DNA matches that of the dead guy. You have your confirmation. What else do you need?"
"I need proof Ben, documented proof"
Ben was becoming fed up. "What do you need it for?"
"Okay, no more questions. I'll send you another document confirming the results. Are you happy now"
Shade smiled as she stood up to leave.
"Thank you doctor.... I'll be coming back for check up"
Doctor Ben laughed as he slightly pushed her.
"Get out of my office young lady"
(...........To be continued)

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