How to be a Writer.

writing happens to be one of my greatest sources of solace. I've been writing sinceI Was 11, and I try to hone my writingskills everyday. T know, that many of my readers might have a hidden writer within themselves. If you really want to be a writer, it's not that hard,really. Try to follow a few techniques;

Reading is a must------------------------

To be a good writer, one must be an avid reader too.Try to read newspaper  of different language everyday. Being used to more than one language will help you increase your vocabulary easily, within a short period of time.Newspapers will also open the door to knowledge about various  current issue and different point to ponder.To be a good writer,it is important to be update with world. On the otherhand,  reading a vast range of books starting from classic onto modern -day literature,  will enable you to be accustomed with various writing style of established authors. Biographies of well-known people across the globe will tell you how they had successfully reached thier goals despite having a lot of obstacles in their way.For example, the celebrated author of the Harry Potter series thought of committing suicide at a very early age, due to the rough challenge life threw her way.She concentrated on writing ;she had enough confidence on herself on her pen.As a result,  today Harry Potter is a globally recognized character on and of screen.

Write everyday ------------------------------

Reading and writing goes hand in hand if you want to take your writing seriously. Keeping a journal or an online blog comes handy for free writing. Even if the only reader of whatever you write, happen to be yourself, please write on.Also writing on paper before putting the document on screen makes the editing process a lot easier.

Participate in competitions.---------------------

There are always a ton of competition (essay or story writing)  available in various newspapers or magazine. Don't think of receiving an award for participating, but simple participation will boost up your confidence to a great extend.

Don't edit beforehand ---------_-----------------

Please do not start editing after you finish writing just a line or two.At first, just let your pen flow.Once you've finished writing your first rough draft down, only then go back, check line and do the edits required. 

Keep a dictionary /thesaurus near you----

Dictionaries  and Thesauruses are important to check the meanings of words, and to replace words with sysnonyms/ antonyms.Nowadays,  the word processing software inside,  even then, the traditional, thick books can never go out of fashion,  and those always helpful.

Avoid Writer's Block--------------------------------

Every writer knows how painful writer's block can be.Sometimes, the powerful pen just give up.No, I do not want to write, and that's final," it tends to say.To avoid such such unexpected demons, you should write at all, at least try to solve crossword puzzles or word mazes.Playing will save you from running out of topic. Remember,  your brain is a muscle develop in more than way.

Please avoid plagiarism --------------------------

I believe that every writer work really hard to produce his/her brainchild.Therefore, if you are quoting or paraphrasing some parts of a different author 's identity that is the simplest form of respect we can send each other's way.

To sum up, being a good writer might seem hard at first, but believe me, it'll  become a sweet piece of cake if you follow certain writing etiquette and if you are honest with whatever you write.

keep that pen vvertical ;it is more powerful than a sword.

           THE END...............

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