Crocheting class in prison

Since years I am writing with prisoners. They became a part of my life.

A good thing about prison is you have plenty of time.

Time to think over stuff and time to join all kind of classes.
Many classes are to improve the artistic part of someone. So many inmates can draw, paint and even turn out to be good at it.

Patrick just wrote me he is planning on taking a crocheting class

the next time it is offered so he can learn to make scarves and beanies. Like he says: Seems like an old woman thing to do, but I bet I could be good at it. So I will give it a try.
I wrote back it is good to develop as many skills as possible so he can be as self-sufficient as possible. It might safe him a lot of money in future as well.

Patrick his family still did not visit him

(they never did as far as I know). As his mom was still alive she sent him money every month. Now his sister should do so. It turned out his sister is not really in a hurry to do so (sending some money is possible with JPay for example).
So he is still waiting for some to buy a piece of soap and some food.

He will not die if he can not buy food himself,

but like most prisoners he also needs some extra to stay as healthy as possible. The biggest fear of an inmate is to get sick.


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