Article writing for 10th May 2024

Today is a unique day where it is the next day of the sent home incident happened. Yesterday night, I went Stadium for a sport meet up event and exercised for quite a bit. Zumba and jogging around the venue for 2 rounds are the exercises I had carried out. I am still figuring out on how to socialise with others if there is no language barrier.

Back to the topic, I was sent to buffet where I need to top up the plates to the designated places. It was uneasy because the plates are made of glass and it is quite heavy to carry around, not to mention that I need to bend my body to reach trolley.

Later on, I was requested to work until 3pm, and I am more than willing to do so as I was hungry and tiring when the opportunity landed on me, so I think it is absoultely perfect chance to take a break at 12pm.

Later on, I have had my lunch with Jack after work. We talked a lot and it is inspiring to talk to someone who is fascinating about learning.

Last but not least, by the point of writing this, the clock shows 10.51pm, I have rush for showering because of I am going to attend AI event at R CC at 8.30pm.

PS: You should work on the resume question write up.

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