Whats Evolution?

Evolution Signature.jpg

What is Evolution?

"Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. These characteristics are the expressions of genes that are passed on from parent to offspring during reproduction."

The man, known only as Evolution sits alone in what appears to be an old Aztec village somewhere in the Valley of Mexico. You can see that he sits in what must have been a sacred temple. He's surrounded by old artifacts and your basic workout equipment there's a newer state of the art wrestling ring set up in the far end of the temple. You can see clouds of dust blowing throughout the place as hot streams of wind blows through the place.

The extreme temperature of the Mexican sun beating down on the clay buildings has caused sweat to run down the neck and body of Evolution as it runs from underneath his mask. He sits there with a serene look of peace and serenity as he watches several Great-tailed Grackle's flying about. He listens as they speak their native language to each other as they fly about. The sounds of music to his ears as he loves the sounds of nature.

He has grown as a man over the last few months let alone over the last few years, as his path in this world has been one that has certainly evolved with time. He sits there watching such simple creatures yet such complicated ones as he realizes that they know more than man gives them credit for.

Evolution came to this village searching for a place to find himself after being discredited, dishonored and abandoned by everyone and everything that he once knew in the world. A world that is all about possessions, wealth, power and greed. A world that believes it's evolving with its technology, it's intellect and it's massive power companies. Yet, he knew better so he left and came here to evolve himself, to start the evolution that would eventually lead to him becoming what he has become "Evolution" personified!!!

A man who had everything in the world of materialistic greed and love he had power, he had money and he had the ability to install fear into anyone he wanted. Until he allowed himself to get caught up in that world and stopped evolving he realized once he stopped evolving and become complacent it allowed those around him to become his downfall. So it was a no brainer to walk away from it all and to start the evolution process.

He stands up and heads towards a darkened area of the temple to what appears to be a small pit, as he reaches it he looks down into it. As he looks we see the eyes of several vipers as they slither around. He reaches down allowing one to wrap itself around his hot sweaty arm. As he pulls it up and out of the pit the viper sinks its fangs deep into the flesh of Evolution, Evolution doesn't even flinch as the creature attempts his attack. he just makes his way over to what used to be the sacrificial altar.

He grabs the viper by the head as he stares it in the eyes placing the viper in a trance-like state. As the venomous creature goes limp he lays it down onto the altar belly up. While it lays there giving no struggle, no effort to fight back or to escape pending doom. He pulls an ancient ritual dagger from his waist as he holds it in front of him he begins to speak.

Man, does not know what they can become until they become it, then they do not understand what they truly have become. Because man has never completely become what they are meant to be. Man will always be evolving, so man must be willing to accept this and accept the change that will take place. Just as this creature will accept the future I am about to bestow upon him which is certain death he does not fight it but he embraces it.

One will only know their true potential and their true power if they allow themselves to evolve, you see I did not realize this before. It took me as some would say falling from grace or hitting rock bottom to figure this out. Now I accept the fact that I must evolve and I will continue to flow with evolution as I have become one with evolution I am "EVOLUTION"...

He takes the dagger and makes a slight cut in the belly of the viper as he does that the creature squirms just a slight bit and quickly stops as he stares it in the eyes once again.

You may think that man is the most dominant creature on this planet,, and that God may have created this world whatever you believe is great but understand that it does not mean a thing. When everything and everyone around you continues to grow, to change, to evolve you must decide are you going to stay the same and continue to be left in the past or are you going to be the future. Are you going to rise above society and emerge as something far greater than those who could not become greater than a simple single-celled organism?

Everything must eventually change to become something else for this world to prosper and to stay strong to continue with life. For this world to live on it must evolve and that means so does mankind.

He slices the belly of the snake completely open revealing the inside of it as he does this he continues to speak.

That should bring us to Ultimate Wrestling I have come to this company to help you all evolve, to emerge into something new and be able to strive and live on. I am here to show you all the way I will explain everything to you all in due time but for now, I will start with Kronin.

Kronin, it appears that we will meet soon and when we do are you ready to become more than just mere tool, a simple way for someone else to evolve? Are you prepared to evolve?

I have been where you have been, I know what you have done, I know what you can do. But that will only allow me to help you with your evolution, with your growth. Kronin, you will need to decide soon what you will be willing to do. As you know nothing about me, as just like the world and everything in it I am forever changing, I am forever evolving and I am Evolution!

As he opens up the viper's belly pulling the skin wide open he reaches inside pulling out eggs he cracks open one of them releasing what appears to be a two-headed viper. He reaches down instantly snatching it up and holding it in front of him staring at it.

Look at this a prime example of evolution, one thing must die so another can reemerge and as it emerges it is so much better it is evolved in so many ways. The original a single-headed normal viper gave it's life so that its offspring shall continue as the future and as it evolved it now has not one but two heads. Which is showing what evolution can do, just a small sample of what happens in the world around us every day?

Kronin, allow me to give you some advice it's time for you to evolve you are part of an organism or species that has stayed the same for too long and it's about to be laid to rest. When we meet I will not care about your accolades, your power, your money, your fame or your beauty I won't care about who you work for. But what I will care about is my own evolution and if I am to evolve it will consist of defeating you inside that ring because by bettering myself, bettering my skills and by bettering my overall abilities is called evolution.

He walks over dropping the baby viper into the pit as he heads back to where he was sitting earlier as he sits there he doesn't stop speaking. But instead, he takes a deep breath and exhales relaxing his body as he calms himself as he speaks.

Kronin, in this life it's simple either you "EVOLVE OR GO EXTINCT"!!!

He closes his eyes and starts to allow himself time to meditate as he relaxes as the sun beats down on the clay building forcing the heat to use the building as a sweat box...

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