The Natural Selection of Evolution!!!

Evolution Signature.jpg

The Natural Selection of Evolution!

"Natural selection is the process through which this change occurs. It is the driving force of evolution. All organisms are born with small variation (mutations). But nature selects which ones get to reproduce (mainly by killing all the others)."

The scorching sun beats down on the cracked ground beneath Evolutions feet as he walks along the grassless path of the old Aztec village deep in the Valley of Mexico. The dry hot wind brushes against his face as it passes by him with every step he takes. His body glistens in the sun as the sweat runs down his neck and over his chiseled pecs and biceps dripping onto the ground. He appears to not even be phased by the hundred plus degree temperature as he refuses to remove his mask and as always wearing his blue jeans and combat boots.

While he walks down the crooked path of the village he pays close attention to the differences in the architect of each one he passes. He can tell the older ones from the newer ones, as the newer ones have evolved in almost every way. Yet there are some that would appear to be almost exactly the same to anyone not paying attention but just like in biology and twins where they may look alike on the outside the inside is not a match.

He enjoys the peace and quiet of this lost village as it gives him time to focus on everything that may need to be evolved. After a grueling match against the man known as Kronin, he proved that the change occurs everywhere. That in this world one must evolve or go extinct and that's what's happening to the career of Kronin as he lays helpless in a hospital bed. As he continues to walk down the grassless path he begins to reach a point in the road where things start to look a bit different.

The path starts to show signs of growth, signs of vegetation as the path leads out of town towards the more active world. He looks around as the sweat rolls down his neck from under his mask he squats down as he reaches down grasping a handful of grass and dirt from the path lifting it up in front of his face. He opens his hand letting it sit there allowing it to either blow away in what little hot breeze that seems to be blowing or to fall to the ground between his fingers as he slowly spreads them.

He can hear the whispering of mother nature in the air letting him know of her selection, he pays close attention to these whispers, to these secrets from her. While he heads along the grassless path that has now almost disappeared into a field of brush and weeds he holds his hands out as he shows signs of respect for and to mother nature. The songs and sounds of nature can be heard all around as the natural selection of evolution can be shown all around he begins to speak to the powers to be about their plans, their goals and their destiny for him.

Charles Darwin stated that "At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world." a man like Darwin is accepted by most but he does not realize when he made this statement that the civilized races would also be exterminated and replaced once again the savage races it's called the natural selection of evolution.

I hear your plans for me, for for the girl called Rayven, for UOW, the tag team champions their titles and for this new world we live in I hear you loud and clear I see it all around me. I have paid attention to the weak, I have noticed the strong, and I have watched them both try to decide what they would do as if they had a choice. As if it was in their hands to choose their fate but neither the strong nor the weak understand the power of natural selection or the simple fact of evolving for survival.

He reaches the water source for the Valley of Mexico and the village it like everything else was once nothing more than a small puddle of rainwater yet now it sits as the water source for miles and miles of land as a giant lake of water with living organisms in it. Animals, plants, bugs, people all drink and feed off of this lake to survive. The evolution of this lake helped the evolution of the land and its inhabitants for years and for years to come until evolution is needed again.

Nature shows us all what we need in life to prosper, it gives us what we need to become greater than we once were. The natural selection of UOW has been chosen and its future is "Evolution and Rayven".

Yes, I know that one can not choose my fate but I can decide to continue to evolve and not fight the natural selection of evolution. One must allow the world to prosper through change or it will be destined to go extinct. The more one fights the inevitable the faster it will die out. Just like the current tag team champions Sato and Dresden, they refuse to listen, to learn and to grow they continue to stay complacent as outdated versions of a world long left behind.

The world has been on a downhill spiral for many years now, mother nature, father time and the other powers to be, have all tried to warn you every one of these neanderthals. The world has turned to "Evolution" to help it survive UOW has turned to "Evolution and Rayven" to survive, it longs for tag team champions that are constantly evolving, changing and becoming one with the world.

He bends down taking off his combat boots and socks before unbuttoning his blue jeans and removing them as he walks into the lake you can still hear him talking as if he was having a conversation with the whole world.

Sato, Dresden does not understand the concept of natural selection or evolution for on to survive in this world it must evolve in order to evolve it must allow nature to take its course and make the changes needed. When that happens one must be willing to eliminate the other organisms in its environment these two have become too nonchalant with where they are on the food chain. They have become too at ease with being a simple celled organism.

Not me I am "EVOLUTION" I am "CHANGE" and I will survive until the end of time, I am everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

He slowly walks out into the water continuing to speak as the water gets deeper slowly rising up his body, the cool water feels exhilarating on his skin after a long day of walking out in the scorching sun. His body beat red from where the sun has been pounding it all day, you can see flesh move from the drastic temperature change hitting it. You can see the world of chaos and mystery in his eyes as he looks out unto the wide open sky.

Natural selection will always go with the strongest, the fastest, the smartest, the all-around most genetically superior organism, in the environment to survive. Pure will power, pure faith, or pure fortitude will not allow you to survive you need to not only physically evolve but intellectually and emotionally evolve in order to survive.

I completely understand what the world has been trying to explain to us for centuries, I can see what the world has been trying to show us for millenniums. One must not only be intellectually sound in order to outlive the other organisms but be able to physically dominate the other organisms in order to survive but one can not do that if they are not emotionally evolved in order to be able to do what is needed to survive.

I have done this because I am evolution personified and soon I will lead Rayven to time and space where she will also evolve into something far much more than what she is right now. You see I have known the demon called lunacy or in other words the monster of chaos. One does not fully evolve without getting to know this stage of evolution extremely well, natural selection has decided to place Rayven with me and I will help her through this stage and onto her next stage of evolution.

He stands now in the water covering up to his shoulders as he stands there still speaking as he stares up into the burning sun his eyes are solid white as he does not look away.

I will do as the powers of mother nature has asked me too, I will do as the father time has prompted me too, I will follow the instructions that lady karma has given me as I bring the UOW into the next stages of EVOLUTION!!!

He goes underwater as he ends his sentence...

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