Money In The Bank: WWE Championship match Jinder Mahal (c) vs. Randy Orton

Greg Gange, Larry Hennig, Baron Von Raschke, Sgt Slaughter, Cowboy Bob Orton, and Ric Flair at ringside! Great ovation!

This will be Randy's biggest pop ever in his hometown.

Mahal out first to good heat.

And there's the Orton pop.

Long entrances to soak in the heat and pop.... RKO chant

And finally! We begin

Orton with the quick start and Jinder escapse an early RKO attempt.

Jinder back in and met with a Thesz press. Orton clotheslines Jinder outside the ring and follows. Sign Brothers lurking.

Back in the ring Jinder tosses Orton outside and works Orton's left knee. Jinder breaks the count and back outside to work some more on the injured knee. This continues..

Orton takes over and dumps Jinder over the rail into Cowboy Bob's Lap to the delight of the crowd. Orton work over Mahal for a bit.

Mahal back in control in the ring after dropping Orton on the left knee on the outside guardrail

Figure Four by Mahal

Orton turns over and reverses the pressure! Break and Mahal is back up as Orton sells the knee.

Mahal works the knee some more.. Small package by Orton! Kickout and Mahal back on top. Mahal with a Superplex attempt but stopped with headbutts by Orton. Randy with a Superplex! 2-count!

Back and forth trading blows. Orton with a series of clotheslines takes over. powerslam to Mahal. Middle rope DDT. He hears the voices! Sing Brothers close to Mahal.. Orton ready to hit the RKO.. RKO 1-2- Sing brothers put Mahal's foot on the rope! Ref is going to DQ Mahal but Orton begs for it to continue. Sing brothers barred from ringside and jaw at the legends as they leave.

They grab Bob but Randy attacks and destroys the brothers. To the tables! RKO on the floor to one of the brothers. Mahal no where to be seen/ RKO from one table through a second on the other brother! Orton back in the rig right into Mahal's finisher 1-2-3.

Looks like the ladder match will get an hour!

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