Would You Rather Have: Fame or Money?


Human desires know no bounds. We are an endless supply of needs and wants and no matter how much we already have, there is always bound to be that ‘one more thing’ that we just absolutely need to have.

In a way, this nature of ours has been one of the contributing factors in our advancement as a civilisation. Since we are never satisfied, we keep looking for better ways which leads to progress.

Anyways, today I wanted to talk about two such desires that are unique to our species. Honestly, no other species have ever wanted a large bank balance or hundreds of thousands of likes on Instagram!

Given the choice between the two, which would you rather have? Fame or Money? Let’s take a look at what each entails first.



Everybody craves a little attention. If you are anything like me, you don’t want much but there a lot of people in the world that would like to take it up a notch, actually take it up several notches and become world famous personalities.

The lives that Hollywood celebrities live, albeit exhausting, is quite glamorous with millions of fans all around the world, with many who want to be with them and many who want to be them.

Fame can be a cool experience but would it really be worth it without the money? In my personal opinion, fame without money is just a life of noise, one without meaning. All your facebook, instagram, snapchat or whatever other social media’s followers wouldn’t mean much if you can’t make money off of the fame.



Money. The thing that makes the world go round in the sense that all our efforts and energies are ultimately aimed at earning a living which means having enough money to meet your basic needs.

Almost all people in the world, I think, want to have enough money so that they could consider themselves as being out of the rat race. Isn’t that the point of the race to begin with? To end it?

Well, no matter the attitude of people about money and how it has turned us into evil, greedy monsters, you cannot change the fact that with money, comes a certain sense of security and as the mode of exchange, can fulfil the rest of your desires. So, if you had a choice, would you even think twice to have lots of it?

What Would I Do?


This one is really simple for me. I would go for the money in a heartbeat. I have never really cared about the spotlight or what people think about me or that kind of stuff.

Also, I have always wanted to live a ‘free life’, an unconventional life where I do not have to murder my dreams and aspirations because I have to spend the prime of my life earning ‘enough’ money.

Therefore, if given the choice, I would definitely like to have just enough money to be out of the suffocating, repetitive and robotic life that we all call the modern lifestyle. I wouldn’t want to even be the richest. Only just enough would do.

So, anyways, what would you guys prefer? I asked this question to my ‘real life’ friends and it was almost a tie between the two. So, now I ask this to you. Chime in, in the comments section below.

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