Would You Rather: ☠ Die by 🔥FIRE OR by ❄️ ICE

This question has been asked at least once in your life, most likely whilst having a few beers, or maybe a bit more ;). But I'd thought I pose the question sober (for now anyway) here on Steemit. I'll put a little blurb on just how terrible it is to DIE either way and you pick what you'd rather do. Should I add a third option? Die by Orgy... ;)


The "baptism by fire" of Old Believer leader Avvakum in 1682

For most, death by fire would be would actually be inhaling toxic gases and asphyxiation, however in this case think of it more as a slow burn.

Game of Thrones Season 5 Spoilers: Pain, Lots of Pain
It is commonly believed that victims of a burning at the stake expire from smoke inhalation before encountering the worst of the flames. Unfortunately, that is more mythical mercy than reality, with smoke inhalation only taking “a large group of people — dozens or score” all being burned at once. That’s according to Vanity Fair editor at large Cullen Murphy, who describes the more likely mechanism of death in God’s Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World:

“If the fire burned slowly, the victim would experience the fullest possible torment, the flames causing catastrophic damage to nerves and tissue. In these instances, death occurred when loss of blood and fluids brought on hypovolemic shock and pulmonary failure.”

Burns inflict intense pain, and boost the skin's pain sensitivity. As superficial nerves are destroyed, some feeling is lost - but not much, according to experts.

The burning monk, 1963 (6).jpg
june 1963 - Malcolm Browne

Also a good little blurb from Gary B. - Yahoo Answer below

AT its worst possibility, the tissues under the skin start to boil and bubble, and the skin eventually separates and falls off, exposing BARE nerve endings, which are constantly irritated, The pain is like having a fire that won't go out.
But the body has "emergency feature" for that, then you own body can produce internal "pain killing" chemicals that will dull the pain, and you will probably then by knocked unconscious from "shack".
To control this pain, severely burned patients are often placed into a chemically-induced coma and some skin can be re-grown to cover and quite the rare nerve endings.


"Napoleons retreat from moscow" Adolph Northen (1828–1876)

Freezing to death is something that you never want to experience. Even if you like the cold, this list of the things that happen to your body when you get hypothermia will definitely convince you to bundle up. Here you'll find all the terrifying information you need about what happens when you freeze to death, from the early stages of hypothermia to the bitter frozen end.

From the first few minutes when your extremities feel frozen, to the last seconds before death, these are all the changes your body goes through when it gets too cold to function.

Best Way to Describe it Full Article Found Here is in steps...

  1. Blood Flow in Your Capillaries Constricts
  2. Your Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Accelerate
  3. You Start to Shiver
  4. You Lose Your Color
  5. You Have to Urinate
  6. You Have Difficulty Moving
  7. You Get Confused
  8. Your Extremities Turn Blue
  9. Your Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate Decrease
  10. You Hallucinate
  11. You Get Amnesia
  12. Strip Your Clothes Off
  13. You Lose Consciousness
  14. Your Organs Shut Down
  15. DEATH


This really is a hard decision... What would you do?

Personally I might go with the fire... 🔥 PAIN / LENGTH OF TIME in PAIN but I'm still la bit up in the air.


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