5 practical steps to eliminate worry!

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I have become aware lately of how much I have allowed worry to creep into my daily life again! I would wake up in the mornings and have this sinking feeling in my gut! I found some pointers that helped me yesterday and I'd like to share them with you.

Recognize how little worry can help you!

 Worrying doesn't produce anything and doesn't have the power to stop anything bad from happening.

Recognize how worry can harm you.

  It can affect you physical health, mental health and spiritual health. Worry does not benefit you in any way!!!

 What triggers worry in your life?

 Is it triggered when you feel out of control? Or is it when you feel powerless or vulnerable. Worry is most often triggered by thoughts that start to run away with you and you start to conjure up pictures of what your future is going to look like.

 Remember that most of the bad we are anticipating will never happen!

 While we are having scary pictures racing through our mind about what can potentially happen to us we must remember they will probably never happen and we will have wasted the precious time we have today!

 Make the crucial choice.

 When these thought threaten your mind you need to make the choice to not dwell on them or entertain them but see yourself bundling up all those worry and handing them to God.

This past week I had a special moment!

  I'm a pre-school teacher and one of my students were crying everyday. I was getting frustrated and I just kept thinking, why does he cry when he sees his parents coming to fetch him everyday.

 My words of comfort were not helping him, I tried to rationalize with him and explain once again that his parents were going to fetch him again today, but to no avail. 

It was at that moment that I felt God say to me, 'That's like you Janique. I keep telling you I have your situation sorted, I'm in control and it will all work out, but like this child you are just not believing me'.

  I decided yesterday I'm going to believe Him and I'm not wasting today on what might never happen tomorrow.  I hope this helps you, have a peaceful Sunday!

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