What we feel as Cypriot 1974 refugees - World Refugee Day June 20th - Cyprus Problem

What Cypriot refugees feel is disgust of their political system and the mystical talks that are happening from the free masons politians for the future of our country which is in Europe without respecting our rights and instead trying to affect our economy too by placing false news in tv channels to affect our tourism flow this summer 2019.

History and the real truth of the invasion is that we are small country in a good place for controllment by Turkey, United Kingdom, Israel and USA. The New World Agenda wants peace and not a war to promote what they believe (one world government, one world currency, one world currency) but Cypriots doesn’t know that with a solution of the Cyprus problem Turkey will take full control of this small country/island in Europe, in terms of their economy, politics, and their oils.

Cyprus has gas like Syria. We saw what happened to Syria. What Cyprus wants is more young politicians and at the right positions to defend Cypriots(Greek Cypriots or Turkish Cypriots is propaganda, there are only Cypriots and Turkish people that came down to Cyprus before 1974 to start a war and get control over the small island Cyprus). However Cypriots love going to the other side and buy some cheap clothes, pharmaceuticals, going to luxury casinos and caparets but is a small minority of Cypriots.

As an author of this article, I want my town back, I want Ammoxostos(Famagusta) back. Otherwise some electronic heroes will take control and fight for their country’s peace. 45 years are a lot, Cypriots want an ethical solution, they are refugees of Europe, the only refugees that no one helps them. We are not different race from Syrians and Palestinians, we are all human beings, and I believe there is no Cypriot who cannot leave with Turkish citizens. Peace is what we want, we are homesick, we want our homes and our land back immediately.

I hope for peace this year! ☮️


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