Wink Music Video: Behind The Scenes with ImRedRyan

ImRedRyan is a crypto youtuber and Wink player and is in the process of putting together Wink's first music video for his song "let me tell you about Wink".

First off congrats on the song, it's catchy af. Everyone in the Wink community is super excited about it's release. You've wrapped the first day of shooting. What can you tell us about the video so far?

ImRedRyan: Haha thanks man! When I began writing the wink song my goal was to make it catchy enough to get stuck in your head.

So if you find yourself randomly singing it during your everyday lives. Well then... mission accomplished, but anyways. The theme of the music video is to basically mix funny and cool all into one.

I have a character playing a “dad” who was inspired by a mix of Carlton from Fresh Prince and Michael Scott from the Office.


I have a character playing a “dad” who was inspired by a mix of Carlton from fresh prince and Michael Scott from the office. He’s the “funny” and I hired a hip hop dancer to play Soon. He’s the “cool”... 

I hope that the music video helps grow our awesome community by getting this song stuck in the heads of those who haven’t hopped on the wink train yet and by making the music video so awesome... their eyes won’t allow them to watch it only once. 

Soon and the Gang

It's definitely catchy. Any word from Justin? what's the chance of him flying in?

ImRedRyan: Yes! He won’t be at the event, but he'll for sure be in the video. I’ve been in contact with the wink team and they have helped make it happen. So you'll see Justin Sun in the video.

What can we expect in terms of cameos of from the wider Wink community?

I’m still trying to lock this detail down. So honestly at this point I couldn’t tell you who exactly, but I’m in communication with quite a few that our community knows well. Stay tuned...

I’m a bit of a risk taker so I’ve experienced a lot of highs with the platform and have also martingale’d myself into some lows!

Luckily though...the drops don't stop.


When did you first get into Crypto and how did you first find out about Wink?

ImRedRyan: I first got into crypto in the beginning of 2017. I was online with a couple buddies when one of them brought up he was making $10 a day mining crypto currencies on his computer.

When I heard that his computer was earning him internet money with real value. I was instantly hooked. Bought some BTC and started mining ETH.

I have four passions in life. Family, music, video, and crypto. May of last year I came across Tronbet/wink and thought it was genius. I bought a good amount of ANTE as well as mined it.

I’m a bit of a risk taker so I’ve experienced a lot of highs with the platform and have also martingale’d myself into some lows haha! Luckily though... the drops don’t stop. 

Behind The Scenes

What's your preference Live, Dice or Rake?

ImRedRyan: This is hard because I have a decent stack of all of them. I think Rake hasn’t even remotely touched the surface of its potential. Excited to see how it develops.

I love Live because I like sports and have bet on them for a long time. I find myself using the sports side of live more than anything else. Dice is a lot of fun and nostalgic for me at this point, but at this current moment. Live is my favorite. That could change though lol. 

Wink Music Video
ImRedRyan on the Mic

You've recently taken a break from the Channel, why the break and does the Wink Video herald your return?

ImRedRyan: I stopped making crypto content around the time my son was born, but I’ve missed the hell out of it. Been trying to figure out how to come back and when I wrote the wink song I thought... This is the perfect way to come back and  It will for sure be the herald of my return.

People should expect at least one crypto video from me a week as well as some other content. I’m already in the writing process for another crypto song as well. I hope to become the guy that brings a lot of good “crypto music” to the crypto space. 

I hope to become the guy that brings a lot of good “crypto music” to the crypto space. 


Congratulations on becoming a father and thanks for your time, can't wait to see the final video!

The shoot for the Video is on the 9nd February at the Stokely Event Center, Tulsa, Oklahoma. For your chance to be in the Wink Music Video join the event telegram below. 

Let me tell you about Wink will premiere on YouTube on the 12th February at 8PM Central Time. Make sure you subscribe!

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