American closing their eyes against the next financial crisis... Again!!!


Hello steemian,

As the CNBC news came out announcing we are in a 20 to 25 years bull market, my first reaction was, are they fucking nuts?? I guess they are not, but they might think we are. A 20 years bull market as interest rates at at 0% and American debt is over 800 Trillion?

How America can have a 20 years bull market when they put sanctions against Venezuela, Russia, Iran, Sudan, Syria, North Korea. All those countries are still doing business and who do you think they are turning into? China, Russia. Eastern Europe to have more and more business deal with Russia.

So on one end you got CNBC announcing This bull market is only halfway through

Quote from Belski predicted the bull market would last 20 to 25 years back in 2009

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On the other end listen and take a side for yourself

Michael Pento's and Jim Rogers draw a more pragmatic world economics picture.

Is U.S dollar will be seen as a safe heaven? Or will it be time for crypto to kick in?

I wouldn't bet on the US dollar 😂

Have a great day! AND HODL!!!


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