Croatia World Cup Fantasy

Wow this World Cup has been crazy!!!

It was an amazing tournament in which the favourites said goodbye in the early stages and in which my country played in the finals. :D THE FINALS. I still can't believe it.

Main Square in Zagreb photo by

Yesterday the whole country (and the whole world apparently :D) cheered for Croatia and enjoyed the moment and the sense of being apart of something huge. Many were expecting Croatia to win, but I believe few where dissapointed with what they saw. Croatia played an amazing game and was a better team according to all stats, except the one that matters the most :/

Nonetheless, the whole country had a huge party yesterday. It felt like we won the finals, everyone was singing, drinking, people riding through the city on top of cars with flags and bunch of people playing football in the middle of the capital :D

Here's an insert (I dropped the camera down because I had to kick the ball back to those guys :D)

Today, there's a welcome party on the Main Square in Zagreb and there's gonna be at least 150.000 people there. Amazing days

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