Worldcoin: Proof of Eyeball

A couple of weeks ago I went into the big city for my yearly shopping spree, and this time around I ended up with more than just socks and a new T-shirt.


I got some tokens! And have continued to receive Grants since the day I showed my eyeballs to the Orb.

Worldcoin? Orbs?

Last month I was shopping at a commercial center close to Palma with a friend and there happened to be a Worldcoin stand present, with a rather approachable young chap and an orb.

Prior to those ten minutes with this Worldcoin rep / affiliate, I'd not heard of of the token (shameful crypto enthusiast eh) and this felt like a good time to find out a bit more.

"World ID is a digital passport that lets you prove you are a unique and real person while remaining anonymous"

"As Artificial Intelligence becomes more advanced, you will use it to access online services and more"

I spoke to the guy whilst the app was installing on my phone, and I think he said something like the above (taken from the app). My summary from him was 'we scan your iris, don't save any pictures, and grant you crypto'. And so I stood in front of a silver orb until the hidden gimballed camera had finished.

Although the orb disguised the lens and made me feel more comfortable and cooler, my friend (who has no crypto) was less keen and declined. Fair enough I thought - we hadn't done our research and this guy could have been telling porkies.

Worldcoin do say though:

  • Images collected by the Orb are promptly deleted unless specifically requested otherwise by the person signing up
  • No additional data (name, address, email, etc.) is required
  • By default, the only personal data that leaves the Orb is a message containing the iris code to validate uniqueness
  • Worldcoin does not, and never will, sell anyone’s personal data, including biometric data
  • All data is securely encrypted


A low but off-putting barrier to entry?

A phone and an iris (and to not be a citizen of 'the land of the free' 🤷‍♂ ) is all you need!

As with my friend last month though, I suspect that many will be unwilling to share biometric data (to generate an ID and then be discarded, apparently) for some tokens, and perhaps at any price. Personally though, I don't see any competition for Worldcoin around at present and don't mind being part of the experiment.

Though 'Being part of the experiment' could also mean buying a load of WLD token and seeing what the bull has in store for this futuristic blend of privacy, digital identity, and crypto.

So far so good?

I transferred a couple of WLD tokens from the app to Binance as a test and all went well. Those tokens will be added to when I think the time is right (the last few days?!) because I have been looking for another token besides HIVE to hold and maybe trade a little.

What say you? Collecting the free tokens and waiting for all the single person centric airdrops, or donning the shades?

Can I have a second ID? source



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