World of...

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I sat at a table in the corner of the bar and made I notice from afar .. I am strange about this neighborhood .. A new inhabitant looking for companionship sharing with them boring days and many hours .. Ask for a drink I do not even know what was found cheap in the list of drinks .. I care for his quality. In this case, he will not bother me if I drink poison instead of a cup of whiskey with Coca Cola .. I was walking with the rain drops that clicked the window glass next to me .. When I cut a moment of contemplation a hand looming from far away, a drunken girl raises her cup to greet me, These movements were known about the Rotterdam prostitutes when we frequented their visitors .. I raised my head towards her for a second that smiled promising The window quickly and if I'm afraid to miss an important snapshot of the play supernatural nature that I follow closely .. almost unconscious in the dark corners of lighting despite the place, I put my head between my hand and watching something !! Notices I do not know what it is ... The place is crowded with soothsayers and lots of beautiful girls in their short clothes and dancing seductive but none of them stirred up my masculine instincts. I would lift my head from time to time and watch them and soon return to my path. I ask for another cup with me 70 Swiss francs. I am strange about this place. My review is good. No one will pity me with a single bread or a cigarette. I muttered a bit. Then I cursed the situation and rushed to the contender for fear that I would be more prepared for my decision. I do not want to be a copy of the eternal repetition .. I want to The fact that a single, modern myself and my life and my death and Antaeus and Rezai, and am I .. This may be why I fled from my home and my family and all those who know me .. where I came from !! I forgot ! What will I answer if you ask about my original and my !! To whom I belong !! I do not have any money left for another cup .. I will ask for the third cup and to say to the bartender on the back of the cartons that I owe him a cup on the first day. I went to his bar ... and tomorrow I will wake up at home I do not know .. Take me after the length of urgency and assurance of the Russian bitch who had haunted me since the hours I drank and looked at the wall clock given by Heineken to the bar It is forty-three minutes back home to get up early to work .. I'm trying to remember where I am I was walking quietly and slowly as if I were in a romantic date until I saw a fantasy approaching me this shape familiar to me, that straight walk and blue pants that hair and eyes .. Is it possible to be .. Am I ah! I stopped waiting for him to inquire that he is approaching .. Yes, it is my reason for being here now .. The reason for my despair .. My heart is almost leaving his place in every step progressed astray towards me accelerate my heart beats and my body temperature rises in the middle of this weather Snow .. He walked towards me so close to almost touched me Then he disappeared as if passing through me .. He turned behind me to see him walking in his way as if he did not notice me .. Wafa seems to whiskey this place is of high quality .. I did not remember anything after ... When I woke up in the morning I found myself stripped of my clothes lying on a bed .. Where are I? What do I do here? What happened? My questions did not last long, even when a girl who was standing in front of her interrupted her and entered the room. "I prepared you For my dear breakfast ... "Haha she's the lesbian she's got in the bar ...

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