
Cultural diversity is something positive and intercultural dialogue is an important element of a culturally diverse society. All cultures have something that can be donated and learned from other cultures and as we already know that our country (Indonesia) is a country that has different races, ethnicities and cultures. We certainly should not think of something that has been applied by culture because each tribe and race has different cultures that are diverse. Awareness and pride in their own cultural identity should not lead to exclusive, selfish and arrogant attitudes and actions that can threaten the unity of life and cultural diversity. As a multicultural country needs to understand the cultural diversity that we have and never to judge the culture of others and assume that other people's culture is not good than our own culture because it will be able to cause hatred and racism in our respective culture and will causing hostility towards us as fellow Indonesians. We need to understand and learn earnestly the diversity and multicultural culture of our own. Let us to respect each other's cultures in order to establish a close relationship among the Indonesian people. The more we unite and hold fast, the harder it is for us to be separated and scattered by other nations because even though we come from different regions, tribes, races, cultures, but we remain one too INDONESIA. Unity in diversity.

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