Two thousand days of 'Curiosity' on Mars

The view from mars to earth ...

The NASA's 'Corrosity Rover', known as Mars's Science Laboratory, has been on Mars for two thousand days.

Cortexi Rover is investigating a dry lake on this red planet. Robots have done several important observations during this period. Some of them have chosen the chorosity science team.

Many of the pictures taken from space are very charming and dramatic themselves. But in the picture of MasterCom on the Korosity Rover, the Earth looks like a fog in the night. Scientists across the globe take a look at the Ten Cruise Milles Mars through everyday cholerae.

Caroussee had sent the first picture after fifteen minutes after his arrival on Mars in August 5, 2012. When this picture was received, the scientists had estimated that the mission would be successful.

When the scientists began to drive Curiosity Rover, these stones were found on the way. Their round shape shows that it was found in the valley of an ancient and less deep river that flows through the high mountains of four billion years old. Scientists are forced to think about how these rocks and layers come into existence, seeing the pictures of these rocks found in this dusty lake of Mars.

Before landing on Mars or in the early missions, the team did not realize what the visible area is in. Was there a flame flowing here and is it a jumble in the lake? But this picture became clear. This Mars's hello is Nave en Bay. This part is made of rain sand and clay and it will be gathered there when the river meets the sandy lake.

The team digger this place through Rover and tried to find out that the soil and nitrogen compounds present in it showed that the environment was found in some kind of life, it still remains to be decided that There was life.

The arrival of the mountains in the path of the Korosityi helped the team understand the environment in the past.

This almond tavern coming to the path of the cortex is a small part of the sand tiles there.

The rocks made in the city show that the climate was dried up due to the long-term climate and the environment started becoming air-conditioned.

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