Bit coin painting was resolved three years later...

A 30-year-old computer programmer has solved this puzzle printed in a well-known artillery, which had won the prize prize worth $ 50,000.

The artist named Rob Meyer wrote the image for the first time in the Internet on 2015. It printed a puzzle that used an online volt private password (which included the buttons).

Last week, the watt was removed from the wallet, which indicates that this puzzle has been resolved.

Technology website, Marlborough, told that a 30-year-old programmer has solved it after searching for puzzles on the Internet for corruption.

However, he himself is in a country where Bit Crown's property is not safe, so he has not shown his identity.

This puzzle had a chain of binary numbers that were painted in the form of flags around the paintings. The color and length of each flame determine what the first four digits of this binary number are, and determine the remaining six digits remaining on the right hand in the picture.

The person who succeeded in combining all of these codes was found with an online wallet with the help of all the numbers in which the binary butt was available.

Peter Tad, a psychologist, says it is not surprising that this puzzle has been so long to solve.
He said, 'These are not the puzzles that you will be able to solve if you put computer power. These are real mental puzzles. '
It is not the first time anyone hides the pivotal buttons behind the puzzle.

In January, a student of PhD in Belgian bought a DNA stereo by d-coding a full bit, which was worth $ 10,000.

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