Vision Boards ~ Setting Intentions

On Friday, I had the privilege of guiding & empowering a group of beautiful women into an amazing new year with a Vision Board Workshop. I’d love to share what we did as well as the essential oil blend I created, designed to anchor their intentions to support them in reaching their hearts desires!
In making a Vision Board, we are making use of the powerful, universal Law of Attraction, which is that -

“ Our attitudes & beliefs create a magnet to attract events, circumstances & opportunities to live out those attitudes & beliefs.”

To begin a Vision Board - plan it! Consider your desires & goals, as well as the emotion attached to achieving those. This Board is going to be something that should be placed where you can see it frequently, so have a careful think about what will help keep you focused.

The very act & intention of creating a Vision Board, with the choices made & the very specific & personalised messages sent out to the Universe is a powerful tool in manifesting your dreams.

How to!

Consider what you would like on it & how you would like it set up - perhaps in sections for different desires or goals, or around a common focal point like the emotion you feel when imagining reaching these dreams.

Some ways to gather your thoughts...
What are your values
Career goals
Health & Wellness
How you use your free time
How you want to grow or learn
Be sure to think about how all of these things make you feel

Supporting the Law of Attraction, we are utilising as well as the power of essential oils & gemstones.

Oils in the blend

Melissa - awakens the soul to truth & light; reminds you who you truly are; invites you to release everything that holds you back from reaching your fullest potential

Litsea - oil of manifestation - invites you to have the confidence to act on your inspiration & intuition; encourages you to face the fear & take a leap of faith in trusting your inner wisdom

Blue Tansy - provides a catalytic spark to help you overcome the tendency to avoid or procrastinate; it encourages you to live in alignment with your inner voice

Roman Chamomile - supports you in discovering & living your true life’s purpose; it allows you to focus on work that is more fulfilling & meaningful to you

Cassia - dispels fear & replaces it with self-confidence; it challenges you to try, even when you are afraid of making mistakes. It supports the soul in seeing it’s value & potential.
How to use the blend

Use it daily. Morning is perfect for setting your intention for the day, but also simply apply as often as needed over your heart or on your wrists. It will offer the support mentioned as above but will also work to act as an ‘aromatic anchor’ for what you are wanting to achieve for 2018.

The blend in the roller was diffused during the workshop, so it will now be associated it with the visual of the Board that has been created, as well as the feelings connected to the goals. It is essentially leveraging the power of scent to support achievement & focus.

Smell has the ability to trigger powerful emotional memories. You are essentially creating powerful & purposeful future memories; so smelling the blend reminds you of your goals & amps up the power of your manifestation. So amazing!

Using the visual of your vision board + the roller blend allows you to move into energetic alignment with your goals & desires, which draws & attracts them to you on a deep quantum level - shifting them into reality for you.

Think of an affirmation - (I reading of books/cards that I brought along); find something that resonates with you - put it on your Vision Board & then say it - OUT LOUD - whenever you use your blend! There is so much power in verbalising your wishes to the universe.

I then also offered for the attendees to intuitively choose a gemstone to take with them. These also offer an energetic field that influences & supports your own. I like to wear mine, put them in my pocket, place them under my pillow or write something on paper - fold it up & place the stone on top for it to work on for me. Whatever feels right is what is the right thing to do. I help with identifying the stone so people can learn about it before heading off.

Thank-you for reading this today, perhaps this may play a part in you creating the 2018 that you desire <3E57F3040-9070-4D2D-995D-AF6D2E748832.jpeg

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