Pay for your loyalty


Tom, the puppy, has been busy looking for work everywhere for many days, but he has got nothing. He complained to his mother dejectedly, "I'm a worthless waste. No company wants me."

Mother asked strangely, "What about bees, spiders, larks and cats?"

Tom said, "Bees are stewardesses, spiders are working on the Internet, larks are graduates of Conservatory of Music, so they are singers, cats are graduates of Police Academy, so they are security guards. Unlike them, I have no higher education experience and diploma."

The mother continued to ask, "What about horses, sheep, cows and hens?"

Tom said, "The horse can pull a cart, the sheep's wool is the raw material of textile clothing, cows can produce milk, hens can lay eggs. Unlike them, I have no ability."

Mother thought for a moment and said, "You are not really a horse running with a chariot or a hen laying eggs, but you are not waste, you are a loyal dog. Although you are not highly educated and have little skill, a sincere heart is enough to make up for all your shortcomings. Remember my words, son, no matter how many tribulations you have gone through, cherish your golden heart and let it shine.

Tom listened to his mother and nodded vigorously.

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After all his hardships, Tom not only found a job, but also became an executive manager. The parrot is not convinced. He goes to the boss for theory,Tom is neither a graduate of a famous university nor a foreign language speaker,why about giving him such a high position?

The boss calmly answered, "It's easy because he's a loyal dog."

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