Four Ways to Maximize Your Workout--At Work

Most of us see exercise as a separate time commitment, like we have to go the gym for so long and sweat so much. The truth is that there are a lot of ways to move during the day that count as exercise, and anything that keeps you active and moving is a great way to drop some pounds. Here are some ways to maximize the amount of movement you get during the day.

Take the Stairs

Pretend like the elevator doesn't exist! If you work on the 20th floor this could be difficult, but start off slow and work your way up. Including this healthy habit will lead to increased flexibility and resilience, not to mention increased muscle mass and endurance.

Park Far Away from the Entrance

The farther away you park from the door, the more steps it takes to get there. Keep this in mind wherever you go--the grocery store, the mall--to get in some more movements. Walking just a quarter mile a day can help improve a sedentary lifestyle.

Take Five for Exercise

Take a five-minute break at work for some energy-building movements. It's best during those afternoon hours when you feel like taking a nap. Instead of reaching for more coffee, do some active reps, stand up at your desk, or take a lap around the floor. Who cares if you look strange doing lunges down the hallway, you're staying active!!

Challenge a Friend

If you stay active with your co-workers, you're more likely to commit to being healthy. I once worked at a place where we would race each other down 12 flights of stairs. This helped keep us awake and was also fun to do with a buddy. You could also wear a pedometer and compete with each other to see who has the most steps. Friendly competition keeps it interesting and fun!

What are some other ways to move and improve at work? Let me know what you think in the comments!

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