Finally After Waiting More than a Year... Bye Bye Old Faithful, You Wont Be Missed

This old Gal has been around since 2002. With a nickname like “The Kidney Buster” she wasn’t too fun to drive. Often playing *Rock-Paper-Scissors to determine the lucky Lineman that gets a free chiropractic visit or possibly the opportunity to pee a little blood the next day. Joke, 100% Joke With ratchet straps holding the boom in its cradle and countless other issues it was finally time for an upgrade.... lots and lots of upgrades.


My first encounter with this truck was this:

Foreman, “This is our Hot Bucket”

Me, “Uh... right on”

While in my head I was thinking, “That is the biggest POS I have ever encountered in my career!!

This tank hobbled along for the next 5 years, the. It was finally time to get a new one. I wasn’t part of the committee but I wasn’t going to let the guys get forced into something they didn’t want.

Long story short, we visited a neighboring utility to see the truck they had just had built. When I walked in the the door I stated, “That is it!! That is the one we need!” The other guys looked at me with kind of puzzled looks on their faces for a moment or two. Then within minutes of walking around the truck, they totally agreed with me.

After waiting over a year to have it built to our specifications, it finally arrived today. I guess it did break down in Cali in its way here but let’s just hope that isn’t a sign of things to come. She still has to go in to get decals put on it but here she is in all her glory. Hey, I am a Lineman, I love this stuff!!!


You all have no idea what a relief this is to all of us that are going to be using it. The other truck we only used if we ABSOLUTELY had to. This one is going to totally change the way we get things done.

  • Squirt Boom
  • 4X4
  • Air Lockers in the Front and Rear
  • Front Winch
  • So much storage it is insane!!
  • Totally re-engineered boom and bucket and material handler jib
  • Air Ride Cab

This sort of stuff is what makes Lineman get all giddy inside. We act like little kids on Christmas Eve. But our Christmas Eve has lasted over a year.


It’s like a breath of fresh air came into the shop when this Bad Boy Pulled in!! It wasn’t cheap but it will pay for itself in no time!! This thing is a work horse!!! Instead of trying to avoid using it, we are going to find ways TO use it!!

If you can’t tell I am a little excited to get this truck all tooled up an loaded up to do some Linework!!!


Until Next Time....
Steem On
It’s a Lineman Thing....


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