The Struggles of a Work From Home Dog Mom

I work as a freelance writer from the comfort of my own home. It's great, I love it! I wake up when I want, I work when I want and I get to go to the gym in the middle of the day when it's not too crowded, my personal favorite perk of the job.

However, life as a freelance writer was getting solitary. I was living in a studio in the heart of downtown Barcelona, a small dark and lonely studio. I know, I can't complain, my life was pretty awesome. But I did find myself going a little insane. I spent most of my days alone in a small space and I felt that I was on the verge of going crazy. I wanted someone to talk to and a reason to get out of the tiny dark house. Seeing as there were no eligible men in my life I knew I had to find another route. So I did what any sane person would do. I rented a bigger apartment for the sole purpose of having enough space to get a dog. That's what millennials do now a days isn't it? We save for houses with yards so we can get dogs, not have children. So I lived up to the stereo type and moved apartments and got a puppy.

And you know what? It was sooooo worth it! I now have the worlds cutest puppy ever and we're basically best friends! She follows me around the house and makes me feel loved, we go to the park a few times a day and I get out of the house, and I now talk to a 6 month old sausage dog instead of myself. All in all getting a puppy was just what I needed.

Now as much as I love my dog and know that getting her was the right decision I do want to take a moment to talk about the struggles that come from having a dog while you are home all day with them. For my dog its ideal, she has a constant companion and play mate. For me its great for like 95% of the day. Then there is this 5% of the day where I realize that I am turning into my mother, and I am turning into my mother about a dog!!!!

First of all anyone who has ever house trained a dog will know that it is an absolute nightmare. I have stood in I don't know how many surprise puddles of pee, while I am yet to stand in her poop I feel it may be coming for me soon. I had to get rid of a rug and I have to change my bedding more often then I would normally chose too. Now these are all things that you expect with a puppy, yet somehow still shocked me. Also she sheds there is constantly a small tumbleweed like balls of black hair rolling around my house at all times, no matter how often I vacuum (oh I had to buy a vacuum). I found myself mopping the floors one day and as the dog walked by I said under my breathe "this house was so much cleaner before you came along." The moment I said it I knew I had become my mother, except the millennial dog version.

As much as having to clean up more often is annoying its not the worse thing that has happened to me, perhaps in a way I needed it! What really gets to you though is the squeaky toys, and yes I am the one that provides her with said toys, but that doesn't mean I can't vent to you all about them. THEY ARE SOOOOOO ANNOYING. I think I could handle them if it was a few squeaks every now and then but it is about 15 solid minuets of her sitting and just going to town on a grey colored plastic pig. Meanwhile I'm trying to write an article for a new fashion magazine and hopefully boost my career and my background noise is a slow dying plastic pig. But the joy on my little puppers face while she squeaks away makes it all worth it. Then she hears a noise in the stairwell and spends the next 10 minutes defending our home from the neighbors by barking at the top of her small lungs and holding the attack position, because if a stranger was to come into the home my 12 pound sausage dog is going to take him down. Again it is cute though, she really does love me.

So was this post worth your time, probably not, have you learned that my dog is adorable, absolutely! You have also learned that puppies come with lots of noise and dirt, if you want more tips on how to deal with that watch a Cesar Milan video cause I have no idea what I'm doing.

Now enjoy some cure pics of my puppy :)



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