Hey Asshole, Stop Working More Than Us, You Get Paid Too Much!

Yeah, that's what it is turning into now. "You're not allowed to do more and get rewarded for it by others. You're the problem for doing the work you do. It's not fair." Hence why I did the communism post yesterday to show the ridiculousness of this line of fallacious reasoning.

But morons just want to be morons and keep denying their behavior, while I'm just the "whiner" who is "harming the community". I already called this out as the tactic these manipulators use each and every time. If you go back to other community issues ("sock puppets") that needed to be addressed, these whales flagged down those posts and commented how it was "bad for community".

Making 3-4 posts, and get rewarded differently for each post, is still too much for some people to handle in their jealousy.

I should not be allowed to post 4 times a day, because you say so?
I should not be allowed to post the type of content I want, because you say so?

Go fuck yourself. Seriously. This is absurd.

I tried higher quality content, upping my game even higher, and the first time a post like that was done with original work, infographic, text, audio and video, (Trinity of Consciousness), it was flagged while my other post that day was double the payout and not flagged.

Then more of my original work was targeted for flagging while making less than my lower quality unoriginal posts. I even talked about this in the main post yesterday, but no one wants to see that reality going on which is why I have had enough of this bullshit flagging against my original content. I never objected on flagging the other content, other than the undefined justifications used to do it. But sure, flag the other content I make that isn't original, isn't as important quality information for people to learn about. Ok. I mentioned this before. But, people who don't want to read or understand, just turn it into "you just want to make money so your pathetic".

If you want me to respond to your comments, then start understanding the issue with facts, in reality, and not invent some fantasy for why I'm doing this. I'm not going to try to correct everyone's comments when they obviously aren't even interested to look at the issue honestly through the data provided. I explained it before, and now I'm doing it again. Go back to the other post with the data yesterday for the proof in the data from the blockhain. Open your eyes and see how things played out to get to this point.

If you have a problem with the autobots that upvote me, then have a problem with the autobots that upvote EVERYONE on the platform. Then you're actually thinking rationally to resolve the problem.

I'm the problem because there are autobots voting for me? What? Are you retarded? If you have a problem with the bots, then the problem is the bots, not the people who create content.

Get rid of the bots, for everyone, and then there will only be manual curators giving out rewards from the reward pool. Then that's more fair, maybe? But at least there will be no more bots for ignorant people to blame on content creators. LOL. Learn to discern. You can't even see things clearly when you blame someone who posts content, for getting upvoted by bots. Highly irrational argument and false perception of reality.

As usual, the typical derision of accurately describing what is actually happening in reality is being done by those who can't see what is happening. And then they start with their dismissive labels: "you're just complaining, whining, pathetic, etc."

Yes, when you talk about issues and target people's behavior, they will deny their behavior has any issue, turn around and tell you how "wrong" you are and how "bad it is for the community" to actually bring up issues about what they are doing. They play the "tu quoque" fallacy card to point to you while they ignore, deny, dismiss, deflect and avoid dealing with their own behavior. Few seem to want to understand the issue from a root causal source.

I'm the problem when it's bots voting me?
I'm the one posting too much?
I'm the one creating problems where the are none?
I'm the one whining about not making money?

No. Nice try to conflate the issue with your fallacy reasoning.

I made my case about how people are not flagging with any actual criteria, definition, or reason that can be explained. I asked for a definition of what "whale swarming", "whale concentration", and "over rewarded" what, what #'s, what criteria, and was told it's whatever anyone wants to make up in the fantasy of their self-delusion to mean whatever they want it to mean. And no one sees a problem with that lunacy? So I exposed how it's not consistent and irrational. Set the rules for how this works, otherwise there are no rules and you're just doing this any which way you want without any rational mindset to do it.

Is $X payout too high? Then flag everyone above $X payout. Then you're not a hypocrite because your code of conduct is consistently being applied to flag everyone above a certain $X payout. Otherwise, when you flag someone at $30 when others are above $100, then you're an inconsistent and irrational hypocrite.

I will keep making posts on these issues, and other Steemit issues and things to talk about, until people start facing the reality of the problem, and those who are the problem actually face themselves in the mirror instead of projecting irrational nonsense onto those who bring up these issues.

So keep watching for BS like "you're just whining", "you're just complaining", "you're hurting the community", "you're selfish", "you're not kind", "you just want more money for yourself", "you don't engage in comments on you posts", "you don't upvote your commenters".

I made the case, with data, facts, about how flags are not rationally being applied, based on content itself not being judged to determine the level of reward it has. It's just looking at the rewards, or looking at who posted, or looking at who upvoted, and then it's "too much rewards, flag", but no actual criteria to determine if this is being done rationally or not.

I even showed that when I did, original higher quality, text, graphics, audio and video, and it dared to go above $100, you started to flag me with you're BS about how it added no value to Steemit and didn't help new users sign up? What a lame brain idiotic justification to flag that content. So I try to do better, original quality work, and it gets thrown down, while I do unoriginal less quality work and it gets more rewards, int he same damn day! And you still don't see the problem? Well, I just go to lesser quality, going to the lowest common denominator like in communism, lowering the amount of higher quality original work I do because when I dare to do it and it gets rewarded... you just shit all over it with irrational justifications.

Keep flagging away douche-bag bad whales. Keep being irrational, inconsistent, and hypocritical. Until then, you won't get me to stop calling out your self-deluded behavior. When you change and stop your BS, I'll stop calling you out. OK? I'm only doing this in consequence of your BS behavior. Set up some criteria and rules for how flags are applied, because I have shown with facts/data, how what you're doing isn't being applied in any rational way for others to understand what, why and how you're doing it. Get you're head out of your asses and deal with your BS. Stop projecting it onto me as the "whiner", "complainer", etc. For those who know about logical fallacies, they can see through your deluded attempts to deflect any responsibility on your behalf.

What am I responsible to do?
Am I not allowed to post 4 time a day like is allowed? No.
Am I not allowed to get upvoted by others, like bots? No.
Am I not allowed to do lower quality work because my higher quality work gets flagged when it gets rewarded more than my lower quality work? No.
Am I obliged to reply on every single comment someone does on my content? No.
Am I obliged to vote for every post on the platform? No.
Am I obliged to do whatever you think I need to do in your deluded irrationality? No.

I already said fine, flag the psots that are highly rewarded that isn't my original work, that isn't higher quality, that is references from other sources. But this ALL started with my original, higher quality work on consciousness that many people appreciated. Then it keep going to two other original quality work on morality, and each time it got above a certain payout, it got flagged for BS irrational reasons, while my lower quality work goes higher and doesn't get flagged.

I tried to just do my thing, and I became "successful". But now my success is turning on me, so I can;t keep silent when I'm being targeted with irrational, inconsistent and hypocritical behavior by the some of the big powerful Steemit user accounts.


But few of the readers going through how I'm calling out this crap are bothering to even read the post and understand what is being said, so then they join in the self-deluded bullshit and try to target me when all I did was post content, that got rewarded, and am calling out the irrational flagging that targets my original higher quality work from the start whenever it dares to get higher rewards than my lower quality less significant work. And then there are others who get rewarded higher yet don't get flagged. There are no rules, guide, standard, criteria or definition for how it works, and that's a problem I tried to get an answer for but was told irrational BS once more. It's irrational.

If all you want to do is not read, not understand, then keep posting your bullshit comments and flag away, never understanding what is going on. Ignorance is bliss isn't it?

So here is a "decline payout" post, does that make you happy everyone trying to bring me down? Because you can't get rewarded on a post for bringing up serious issues in the platform?... LMAO. Fuck off.


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