Rebellion and Irritation - My Journey with this Part 1

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So this point of the Rebel came up in relation to a pain in my left foot and a pain in my right hand, the left meaning your inner reality and the foot I am looking at my footing in my life, my groundedness. The right is who I am in relation to the physical world, my outer experience, and the hand I am looking at how I am handling that. What came up for me when I was looking at these pains in my body was the irritation level I have in relation to my working environment, and how I am not so much grounding myself in this point well nor handling the working enviroment to the best of my ability as irritation still creeps in over time cycles and loops. So I looked at the osho tarot cards to give some support words to work with in these points, some support cards I got were the creator card, guidance, healing, and turning in. And the main point card was in relation to my self reflection and introspection on the rebel character as I pulled the rebel card as the point to focus on.

So first I will look at my relationship with the rebel character and in later blogs bring in the support words to help stabalize myself in my working enviroment, transforming the irritation that is not supporting me to words I can live of support such as the one's pulled in the above reading shared.

So who am in in relation to the Rebel?

The rebel being for myself someone who is in way going against the common movement of the people, usually in a righteous or morally just way, where there is a sense of pride and feeling of doing something good and true within and as oneself and how one lives. The rebel is not needing to comply with social norms to fit in and in a way walks to his/her own set of principles and way of seeing life. I relate to this character where I have to a certain extent developed myself, my own sense of what is best and what not, and through this journey created a sense of understanding about where I stand within myself and my world. This is commendable when I align myself to breath, self honesty, and expressing myself in a way that supports myself and others to find and live solutions that works for the common good and makes sense for all to learn from and live within. There is also a sense of freedom and expansiveness I relate to in relation to the rebel character because within finding one’s truth and staying true to oneself in who one is, one will travel and expand much in the inner and outer world. Through the constant application of investigating and understanding oneself in one’s inner and outer worlds, this expansiveness and freedom has started to develop within my expression and what I do in fact express.

I have found in relation to my day to day life the rebel is a type of living I can identify I have seeked my own truth for most of my life and in that walk I have found living in principles has supported to a path of expansion and thus access to more freedom, though I align this path specifically to what is best for all life so we can start the process of creating life here as solutions and stop perpetuating abuse. So in a way I push myself to be walk with what is here, yet taking responsibility. The rebel i have found though I have lived in ways of going to the extreme of going against all systems of this world, work, government, family, parents, which causes an imbalance in myself and so an imbalance in parts of my world. One of the main places and most of my daily time is spent where this part of the rebellion character is coming out is in my working environment.

In work, I am more limited then I am use to with pushing my limits into the unknown of this world and existence, going on these sometimes fantastic adventures of what is here, what life is about, what is possible, what has and does exist, and what is possible within my change of myself in these tools I practice everyday of self forgiveness, self honesty, and living a self change in what is best. Realizing that the potential for real change and growth is right here all the time, I just have to keep pushing myself in this process has been my life for the last ten years daily, moment to moment, very expansive, very liberating, and becoming solid within the understanding of who I am and so living that as my expression.

Well, when it comes time to work and my working enviroment, the space is limited in many respects, limited in actual physical space in how i can move around, limited to the time i have to get things done, limited to what i need to put my focus on, limited to responsibiilities and commitments, limited in what I can research and study, limited in who i interact with on a day to day basis, which is neither good nor bad, but just my current working enviroment compared to the path I have walked in relation to the rebel character I described above. So I have found this build-up of emotion of allowing the limitation in the list above get to me, affect me, and thus build energy in relation to my working environment which has brought out some bad qualities in me, the most prominent I am facing at the moment is irritation.

Irritation – irregular rotation, the rotation of who I am day to day is created in a way of instability and inconsistency thus I do not know who I am and what I am defining myself as in the work environment as I am not working within a unision as a circle, I am not living simplistically, I am not working with a wheel, but a square on the wagon of myself at work. Thus I am creating pockets of building frustration and misalignments, which eventually come to the surface and create unnecessary consequences that could be prevented. Thus I need to give myself some more specific direction and understand when it comes to me and who I am at work as the current location I am in for my daily job with what seems like limitation, yet let's see what else I can define within this current location and who I am within it. As it does not matter where I am within my physical environment as I am always here, within myself as myself. So I will look at how I can use the experience of rebel, irritation, and the change needed in my working enviroment to build more cohesive relationships with myself and thus the self as me in my world. More to come!

Will continue in blogs to come. Thanks for reading.

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