Word Poetry Challenge #8 : Sunsets


How does one write a poem about a wordless poetry?
Do I write of the times when life was a dark place and it was its view that saved me?
Do I write of the times it rendered me speechless, too caught in awe of its beauty?
Do I write of the thousands of times when it showed me even endings could be pretty?

How do I write of sunsets? I wish I knew of a proper way.

Do I write of the kaleidoscopic view in the sky when twilight replaces day?
Do I write of the countless times I have stood on the same spot, graced by a changing beauty?
Which color need I honor when I write, would it be fair to just pick one?
Do I write of orange, pink, purple or red, or of countless sunset colors I’ve seen since life began?

How do I write of the sunset, when it has never needed words?
How do I write of a priceless beauty I’ve never needed money to afford?
Because for far too many times, I have looked in wordless wonder,
And the more I saw of sunsets, the more my heart grew fonder.

It is beauty, it is grace, it is perfection incarnate,
A quiet grand performance, one of nature’s prettiest state,
Awe-inspiring, jaw-dropping, heart-thumping, living canvass,
It has made the day’s harsh light turn softer, on all the days it came to pass.

I have always found it difficult, other muses are not so tough.
How do I write of sunsets, will words ever be enough?
Because a million words I write cannot do its beauty justice,
All I know is in it’s presence, I know exhileration, I know peace.


Photos are mine, the first taken with a MyPhone31, and the next one taken with an Iphone SE.

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