Honoring the Middle Third of Women Who Inspire Me

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It's been a minute, hasn't it? Life has taken hold recently, causing me to fall behind on my daily posts. But I'm all caught up now, and that means summarizing the middle third of Women Who Inspire Me. Each has been acknowledged with their own post, which you can find in my posts. Some are so complex that my information barely scratches the surface, but all have at one time or another notably influenced who I am today.

Annie Leibowitz
I adore her composition and texture. When my parents let me start using their Voigtlander, I ditched my 110 pocket camera & a love of photography was born. I still suck at capturing people, though!😞

Dr. Rachelle Katz
Former Associate Dean & Director of the LMU MBA Program. Dr. Katz was the Associate Dean and MBA Director at Loyola Marymount University when I did my MBA in the early 2000s.

Aunt Betty
Aunt Betty, or Liesel, was the light-hearted relative in the family. I liked to refer to her as the gorgeous imp. The other aunts had an expression for her, that roughly translated into “When there’s a Liesel in the house, mischief is bound to occur”.

Dolly Parton
Singer, songwriter, actress, philanthropist, businesswoman, and literacy advocate, she has always looked past the politics and divisions of society to genuinely affect and benefit the world. Or as she puts it, "If you don't take the reins, it's going to stay the same."

Rachel Carson
Many people in this world owe their lives to Rachel Carson. An American marine biologist, writer and conservationist who ripped the bandaid off of the scab of lies and misinformation propagated by chemical companies about the effects that the pesticides had on our world, leading to the banning of DDT and other carcinogens. She is widely heralded as the initiator of grassroots environmentalism around the world.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Political figure, diplomat, rights activist. Licensed pilot after Amelia Earhart snuck her from a White House dinner to fly. Spearheaded the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Fought for civil rights. She is an OG of social media influencers who created real, sustainable change.

Yrsa Daley-Ward
Award winning writer, poet, model & actor. Awesome creator whose writings on identity, mental health and race resonate deeply within me.

Robin Roberts
Newscaster, sportscaster, producer. Vaulted into the public spotlight as a sportscaster for ESPN, followed by Good Morning America. Courageously shared her battles with breast cancer and bone marrow disease. Integrity personified.

We'd been kindred spirits forever & fed off of each other's energies & interests. Leukemia took her body, but she'll never leave my heart. I wish I'd been more present throughout her life.

Esther Perel
She is a Belgian-American psychotherapist, known for her work on human relationships, couples therapy, and addressing domesticity and desire in long term relationships.


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