Stop bitching please...let's fix each other's crowns!


Why is it that women always have an opinion about other women? It still amazes me how it works in the women's world. Why do women always have something to say about how another woman reacts, what she's like, how she raises her children or how she treats her husband?
Can't we just keep ourselves busy ?! In that respect, we can take an example from men. I have never heard a man gossip about the terrible shoes of his friend, or how he became really bitchie when he asked something, or that his friend gave his child too much candy on a birthday?

Wisdom comes with age.

I get tired of it nowadays and try to avoid these women who find it necessary to have an opinion about everyone. The older I get and the more I know and develop myself, the sooner I recognise those women. Already a few friendships in the past years have been killed, but so be it! It did not feel right anymore.
The older you become, the more you will know yourself. Because of this you have less of the need for approval from others and you have less of an urge to convince somebody you are right. That is the big advantage of ageing, I think.

The best you can be.

I do not believe in talking down other women. Everyone does it in her own way, how she herself thinks it is best. Everyone becomes what they become through the things that they experienced. We can not look into each other's heart and thoughts, you do not know what the other person has experienced and why she do the things she does!
But I'm sure every women does the best she can do or is the best she can be at that moment.


Let's try to help each other, not to judge ... but just be there for each other! Respect every woman's values ... and if they're not your values, say goodbye to her. Surround yourself with the same voices. Women who bring out the best in you and take you as you are, with your lesser sides, and still love you.
My truth is not the truth ... your truth is not the truth ... it's somewhere in between ... and that's okay ...
Let's not break each other's crown ... but fix it!

Together we can be so great!!! Don' t you think?

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