Reason Women Seeking For another Guy Attention Eventhough They're In a Relationship

Behind every relationship there is a lot of stories. Some are the girlfriend has a relationship with another guy or seeking for another guy attention even in a relationship. Who should be blame for this situation? Definitely it still a guy’s big mistake involved. I have research regarding this issue through experience many couples that break off regarding this issue and some couples that overcome this issue and happily ever after. So let’s see what the reasons are. I’m very sure it going to be a good solution at end of this article for struggling couples. Please take note the following points and avoid this problems.

Lack of Attention
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Generally girls are very pampered and sensitive. They always expect a lot of attention from their partner. When the situation of lack attention from the boyfriend occurred, the girl start to feel and prefer another guy attention. Then when the new guy gives more attention, it become a major threat to current partner.

Change of Attitude
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When a guy try to impress a girl, He give his best to impress the girl but after in a relationship the guy attitude of appreciate the girl becoming less and less day by day. This bring a big disappointment into the girl. When she get frustrated with the decreasing effort from the guy makes the girl seeking for another guy attention.

Difference In Opinion

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Different point of view brings a relationship to uncomforted zone because the phase MADE FOR EACH OTHER is no more in the relationship. When both doesn’t have same opinion to take a decision, It finally will end up in argument which lead the girl get fade up easily compare to the guy and prefer another guy who have same opinion with the girl.

Less Tolerance (Give and Take)
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As I mention before girls are very pampered and sensitive. Try not to compete with the girl all the time. This also might force the girl attract to another guy very easily and if the new guy tolerate, she more easily will feel comfortable with him.

Lack Of Sex

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Guys usually try to satisfy their self when comes Sex relationship but forget to know whether the girl satisfied or not. This is one of the major problem causes a girl seek for another guy attraction when she feel not satisfied in her sexual relationship. Don’t be ego with your partner. Talk to your partner and get proper treatment. Its curable and not a major problem. Don’t be shy to meet physicians to get a proper treatment.

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