What are the Factors that Makes a Woman Ugly???

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A beautiful morning to you fellow steemians! How's life? We'll I hope you are doing great.

Everyone of us wanted to feel beautiful, isn't it? Everytime we hear compliments from other people on how we look like and portray ourselves, we feel so glad and it boosts our self esteem.

| Today let me share the factors which makes a woman ugly so we can avoid those and stay as beautiful as we are rght now inside and out.

If you are going to check this post of mine, maybe you will be wondering about the factors that I am going to talk about.

Beauty from within transcends our physical beauty. It is not the external appearance of a woman that matters the most, but it is her inner beauty.

| A person who is beatiful on the outside is not a guarantee that she is also beautiful inside.

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Let's start talking about the factors that makes a woman ugly both in the eyes of man and in the eyes of God.

1. Self-centeredness

  • A self centered woman focuses on herself alone so as her own interest and well-being. She loves herself so much that she forgot the welfare of the people that surrounds her. It is a factor that makes a woman ugly because it makes her egoistic and boastful.

    To better understand how self-centeredness makes a woman ugly, let me share to you a real scenario that is very common to humanity. I have read this story if one of the self help book that I have read, let us name the woman as Mrs. Lucky because she got a handsome and very handsome and silver spoon husband. Everyday of her life, she mingles with silver spoon and royal blood creatures. These moments makes her even more egoistic since she feel this urge of improving herself better to impress the people that surround her though it risks her reputation and dignity as a person. She even get the point of medling with people whom she find interested to hang out and talked with and ignoring those she thought not worthy of her words and attention.

This one doesn't last long because her fairytale life has come to a test when God took away what she has and humbled her in ways God intends her to go through with. This moment of her life has been the turning point of letting her realize that there's more to life than fancy and branded clothes and hobbies. Through this experience, humility reign over her heart and it made her realize that serving God is the most essential thing one should do in his/her entire being. This made her God- reliant instead of being self-reliant.

2. Envy.

  • When a woman desire to have something she doesn't have and tries to own that something by any means without considering the feelings of the people she has crossed with makes her ugly. If ever you feel envy or covetous attitude towards the material things other have such as new elegant clothes, nice pair of shoes and other girl stuffs rule your heart, then better check its heartbeat and ask God for help. It is because it transcends a mesaage that we are never contented of what we have given. Neverthless being envy doesn't end in material stuffs because gettung envy of the success of others is also a factor which makes a woman ugly.

    Business has been one of the profession most of the people are after to for the benefits that it provides to the owners. I have known this woman virtually who have been so engrossed with making money. She and her business partner started this business of them but they get to a point of getting jealous of the success of their business competitors. Thus, they expanded their business. They have invested capitals without studying closely the differwnt factors that will make them achieve the peak of success of the business that they have. Because of the envy in their hearts, they ended up failures. They have closed all the stores because they couldn't manage and sustain the needs , their businesses requires them to give and provide.

The moral for this is to take smaller step at a time. Do not rush things. Let God take control for He has His own plans of prospering everyone of us if we will just abide in Him. And most of all we should refrain ourselves from covetousness attitude because it will bring us down. Instead we will practice to be contended and thankful of everything that we have.

3. Sin.

  • To summarize the factors, number 3 would suffice the topic that we are talking in this post. Of course sin, will eventually make a person ugly. If we have commited sin, we are ruining the beuty that we possess both in the eyes of man and God. Though sin cannot be seen by our two bare eyes but let us remind ourselves that truth speaks thru our eyes. Hence, if we are destroyed emotionally specially in spiritual aspects, our natural beauty eventually fades.

I am hoping that you have learned something from it. Always remember that we are beautifully created by God. We must be thankful for what we have now. We must show to the world how blessed and beautiful we are inside and out.

Yours truly,



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