Top15 Things a woman wants from her man but won't ask for.

1."Good morning beautiful" And "Good night baby" texts..

  1. Pictures taken together..
  2. Surprises (Visiting and bringing her favorite food).
  3. Taking her to meet his
    family n friends..
  4. His sweaters or jackets with his scent all over it..
  5. Really long hugs.. ({})
  6. Slow dances..
  7. Sincere compliments..
  8. Singing her favorite songs even if it's out of tune..
  9. A cute teddy bear to hug when he's not around..
  10. Real, deep conversations..
  11. Nonsense but funny
    conversations too..
  12. His gentle-manlinesss..
  13. Comfort and patience when she's in tears..
  14. Telling her how much he luvs her..
    AGREE ??
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