Deer hunters, wolves and wild pigs


One hunter was hunting for one day through thick forests. He had all the tools of the hunting arrows, arrows etc. She was very tired, she was very tired. Sweat was falling on his sarcophagus. Standing down The arrow from the shoulder shoots the bow. The whole face sweat was cleaned once it was cleaned. Then I looked up and down. There is no news of hunting. Even a comrade was not seen flying in the sky. He blurted out loud and said: 'Today is not a good day. Where did the victim go? For a while, decided to return home.

Suddenly, a sound from the middle of the grass came to her ears. At the same time, he picked up his arrow from the earth and got ready to hide in one corner. Carefully get ears. The sound of the feet came out of the grass again. Yes, honestly. A little deer in a sultry fog just came out after a long long grass. The deer was immersed in its own imagination and the world. He did not even think about looking at this. The arrogance of pride was on the way with pride. Seeing the deer's hobbies, a laugh of the hunter's lip grew. Anamane said: 'Excellent hunting! Can not be defeated in any way. '

Gradually arrows hit the arrow. The hunter knew that the victim would run away from the noise. The arrows hit the deer carefully with all the strength. The arrow goes straight to the deer chest. The deer collapsed on the ground without any movement. The hunter ran and pulled the arrow from the deer's head. He took the deer's body on his shoulder and started singing to sing with joy. The house was not too far away from her. He was so excited to be a nice deer. Tiredness is no longer in him.

In the middle of the house, a khas khas sound came in his ears. The hunter stood up. Looked carefully around. He said to himself: 'Another deer may be sorcery. No need and hunting. One is enough. However, it is better not to scramble with more noise. Do not sing the song ' But soon after, he thought, 'What is wrong if you catch another deer? We will sell the second market. Get some money. The arrangements will be made to buy the necessary items. Diameter Changed decision. On the shoulder, the hunter slowly shoots his arrows in the ground, leaving the deer on the ground. At that time the sound was heard again. The hunts started looking at the hunters.


When the hunter was fully ready, arrows would be placed on the chest of the deer. But not Not deer. He saw: A huge pig coming towards him. Wild pigs are very violent. The hunter did not delay the arrow and the arrow was hit by the pig's neck. The pig was thrown out of the pig's throat, but the pig did not fall down. The arrow came to the hunter and came to the hunter. The hunter hit another arrow. But then the pig reached the hunter. There was a clash between pigs and hunters. Both were seriously injured. Extensive blood flow from both the body. The pigs and predators both once lost their blood once they went. Two dead bodies fell with deer. The arrow bows were still ready for the hunter. Looks like it hurts.

The three bodies were spread over the whole environment. Three bodies were alive a while ago, breathing. But now everyone is freezing. At first there came a hungry wolf and came here. Wolf did not believe in the three bodies seen in the wolf. So much food, so much meat in one place, together. The wolf walks round them like a circle around for a while. Wearing a wolf in such a hurry was so much suffering without any trouble. He laughed and said: 'O hungry wolf! Look! Your diet means food has come. Start eating '


The three bodies were spread over the whole environment. Three bodies were alive a while ago, breathing. But now everyone is freezing. At first there came a hungry wolf and came here. Wolf did not believe in the three bodies seen in the wolf. So much food, so much meat in one place, together. The wolf walks round them like a circle around for a while. Wearing a wolf in such a hurry was so much suffering without any trouble. He laughed and said: 'O hungry wolf! Look! Your diet means food has come. Start eating '

Soon there was a thought on her mind. He thinks it is better today! Hide the rest of the two. Thus, the food will be arranged without hunting problems for several days. You can spend a lot of rest. Now you have to find a suitable place to hide so that nobody can eat. But first let's take lunch at lunch. The rest can be hidden. The wolf went to the dead hunter to start the meal with him.

When starting, the wolf jaw with a ready arrow in the hunter. The arrow came forth immediately from the bow and wound it well wolf The wolf's eyes were peeling. I could not understand what happened.

Like a drunk, a little walk fell on the ground as if to walk. Three bodies. Wolf next to him. Ah! Do not eat lunch. The arrangements to keep the deposit are not. All the wishes remained imperfect, in the heart of the wolf. Meanwhile, the hunter, the deer, the pig and the wolf wound far away.

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