Three main principles of the Woke Worldview.


  1. The Knowledge Principle: It’s impossible for us to know the nature of reality because any knowledge we think we have is actually only “socially constructed” by the culture through the language we use.

  2. The Political Principle: Knowledge is constructed by oppressor groups at the expense of oppressed groups and helps maintain the oppressors in their role while preventing the oppressed from being liberated from their oppression. All worldviews are equivalent and are merely “stories” about reality.
    Even the tools used to understand the world such as logic, argument, evidence, hypotheses, controlled experiments, et cetera, are biased and serve to perpetuate oppression.

  3. The Subject Principle: Individuals are primarily defined by and thereby subjected to their group identity. How people behave is primarily a function of group identity rather than personal agency. Individuals are responsible or accountable for actions associated with any identity to which they are associated, and this accountability is valid across time.

Culture and language provide infinite opportunities for oppression, and it is the duty of the Woke to problematize and opposes these "sites of oppression" and to advance and entrench the Woke ideology wherever possible using the least amount of force necessary while covertly camouflaging their intentions as much possible until the principles are firmly entrenched.

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