A Poem - My invisible knapsack of privilege

As the cholo South American obese woman
Spat at me and other white men on the street
Screaming about the white man
Swearing in her foreign obese tongue
I realized I had been radicalized

I couldn't see my invisible knapsack
With my invisible compass
To assist me with my invisible map
And all my other invisible goodies
In this less than 5% white neighbourhood

I felt the death of communitas
This was no longer home
It was cholo terrority
And I was the devil
And I was the oppressor

My very existence
White as a sheet of A4 paper
Big balls and criminal gender
Criminally being
Criminally existing

I could not see what I was doing
To the cholo obese South American woman
In England
By existing
By breathing as I walked by

Hanging my invisible knapsack out
Invisibly taunting her
Hurting her
Assuming she maybe had mental retard problems
Before realizing how cholo she was being

The spit and the swear words she gave to me
Should have moved me
Made me give way
Empty my invisible knapsack
And give her some handouts

But instead I thought
"Fuck that cholo South American bitch!"
knowing it was just the first
Of more POC privilegers to attack me
Because of my invisible knapsack of privilege

I should have spat back at her
And assumed
That was how they greeted people
In their country


Irish Writer, Poet, & Lover

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