This content got low rating by people.

LOL!! Looks like somebody doesn't like themarkymark

This jerkwad "top witness" downvotes good people's honest posts for personal reasons and vindication. He does indeed believes he's the police of Steemit and will let you know he doesn't like your content by STEALING votes away from you and downvoting your account into oblivion. He believes he is the arbiter of Steemit and can do no wrong. It's WITNESSES who act like this that is driving down the price of steem as no one is going to buy steem when they're treated this way. Instead, whatever steem they have they're going to sell and get the fuck out. That's what I'm currently doing. That's what EVERY SINGLE ONE of the friends I encouraged over here are doing. We're all selling our Steem. And I'm personally reinvesting it in BAT, a far superior technology.

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